Resources and publications for the Virtual School

Resources for foster parents, parents, schools, social workers, children and young people.


Designated Teachers:

For those with parental responsibility:

If you want to access previous versions of either newsletter, contact us.

Online safety guides

Designated teacher training 

For parents and carers

Supporting your child with reading and spelling

For children and young people

The Who Cares? Trust has published three new factsheets for young people in care and care leavers:

  • All about the money - focusing on financial support that care leavers are entitled to or can apply for
  • The name game - which introduces children and young people in care to the different professionals who they might meet from Children’s Services
  • Pathway to success - which explains what a pathway plan is and how to get the most from one.
  • National Care Advisory Service (NCAS) Guide to Employment for care leavers
  • EAL at Oxford Spires Academy (pdf format, 32Kb)

For schools and teachers

Pack to aid schools in identifying and supporting speech, language, and communication needs in vulnerable learners


For Early Years providers

For governors

Contact us to find the governors.

School governors

School governing bodies should receive, as a minimum, an annual report from the school's designated teacher for looked after children, in order to monitor the effectiveness of the role.

Templates for reporting to governors about looked after children by the designated teacher for looked after children can be found below. These documents were updated in May 2016.

Organisations offering activities during school holidays

School readiness