Other ways we can help you
Services that you can access or apply for on this website.
On this page
Things you can apply for or request
- Bus pass
- Certificates (birth, death and marriage)
- Disabled parking (Blue Badge)
- Emergency Duty Team (EDT) - request help (adult social care and children's services only)
- Freedom of Information (access information)
- Grant money for your community
- Jobs
- Learn an instrument
- Licences and permits
- Needs assessment - adult social care
- Personal information (Subject Access Request)
- Schools - appeal for a school place
- Schools - change or move school
- Schools - governor
- Schools - place for your child
- Schools - transport
- Van or trailer e-permit
Things you can pay for
Things you can report
- Blue Badge misuse
- Child abuse
- Concerns about a child (safeguarding)
- Concern about a vulnerable adult (for members of the public)
- Concern about a vulnerable adult (for professionals)
- Data or information security concern
- Illegally parked vehicle
- Public right of way issues
- Scams
- Street and road problems, for example, potholes, faulty streetlight
Things you can book online
- Citizenship ceremony
- Commitment ceremony
- Computer in a library
- Fire safety training
- Music lessons
- Notice of marriage or civil partnership (registrar appointment)
- Register a birth (registrar appointment)
- Register a death (registrar appointment)
- Safe and well visit (Fire and Rescue Service)
Things you can make a complaint about
Things you can get involved in
Things you can search or find
- Committee papers
- Council events
- Council news
- County councillor
- Family information
- Find services near you - Use our map to find services from schools to salt bins to libraries.
- Library catalogue
- Libraries
- Schools
- Fire stations
- Heritage search
- Land ownership (public highways)
- Live Well (support services for adults, families and carers)
- Planning applications
- Public Rights of Way - Countryside access map
- Register of Definitive Map Modification Order (public rights of way)
- Register of statements, maps and supporting declarations by landowners (public rights of way)
- Roadworks and disruption
- Waste and recycling centres