Who to notify and what to do when you have a baby.
Services and advice offered by our registrars, and details of coroner inquests.
Who to notify and what to do when you have a baby.
Have the wedding or civil partnership of your dreams without the stress and, if needed, on a budget.
Booking and attending a citizenship ceremony.
A formal ceremony that celebrates a couple's love for and commitment to each other.
Send a message to the Registration Service or check availability for ceremonies
We can help you make the necessary decisions and arrangements when someone dies.
How to book an appointment to register a birth, death or a notice of marriage or civil partnership.
Locations, contact details and opening times of the seven ceremony rooms in Oxfordshire.
How to get a certificate for a birth, death, marriage or civil partnership registered in Oxfordshire
The locations of the seven registration offices in Oxfordshire.
Fees for ceremonies, certificates, giving notice and the attendance of registrars.
Transgender people can apply for legal recognition in their acquired gender.