Request a social care needs assessment
How and why you or someone you care for might ask for a needs assessment from us care needs assessment.
Why an assessment might be right for you
We aim to support people to stay independent and able to live the life they want to. A needs assessment may help identify your care needs and tell you what support is available to meet those needs.
You might want to request a needs assessment if you are experiencing difficulties due to:
- frailty
- physical health issues
- disability
- learning difficulties
- mental health issues
You can also ask for an assessment if you are a carer.
Learn more about choosing the best way to meet your social care needs.

Borrow daily living aids
We can support you to access daily living aids to use around your home to remain independent as much as possible.
Daily living aids are designed to help you with your everyday jobs. From perching stools to grab rails, our daily living aids can enable you to carry on living safely, independently and confidently in your home.
Buy daily living aids
If you would prefer to buy your own equipment, you can search for suppliers using the Live Well Oxfordshire website.
Who can ask for an assessment
You can request a needs assessment or ask for someone else to request it for you. These people include:
- social workers
- health professionals, such as a doctor or health visitor
- any other agency
- family members
What happens at the needs assessment
We will work with you at the needs assessment to establish your social care needs. We'll consider support and community options. As well as what would make the biggest difference to help you live as independently as possiblele.
Sometimes, you might find it helpful for us to speak with your partner, family or friends to find out exactly the kind of support you need. We can do this by telephone or in person.
What we talk about at the assessment
Some of the things we'll learn about from you include:
- your physical health
- your emotional health
- how you look after yourself
- your priorities for living well and independently
- the people who are important to you, such as family, friends or neighbours
Tell us what you think
At the needs assessment, we want to make sure that you can find out everything you need to know about your care, advice and support. You'll get the chance to talk about:
- how we can communicate
- how you would like to live your life, and what's important to you
- your strengths and the areas you would like support with
- when you need support
- how you would like to be supported
- any religious or cultural needs that you have
- your community and who is important
Help at the assessment
The assessment is all about you, so it's important that you are fully involved in making key decisions. You can have an advocate support you during the assessment. This person will ensure you get all the information you need about your care and support. They are there to ensure you understand what's happening and can make informed decisions.
Your advocate could be a family member or friend. You may be eligible to receive support from an independent advocate.
What happens after the needs assessment
Learn more about how we can support you after your needs assessment has taken place.
How your care will be paid for
Your needs assessments may indicate you are eligible for support from us. If that's the case, you must complete a financial assessment. This will determine whether you need to contribute to the cost of your care. Find out more about the different ways you can pay for your care.
Direct payments
In some cases, rather than providing the support service, we may offer you direct payment. Direct payments give you choice and control over how your needs are met.