Appeal for home to school transport

How to appeal the decision not to offer your child a free school travel.

When you can appeal

You can appeal if you have read the current school travel policy and believe the decision not to offer your child free home to school transport is wrong. 


You must start this process within 20 working days of the refusal.

It may be better to contact us

You may not need to appeal. There may be personal circumstances that we were not aware of when we decided to refuse. For example:

  • you receive the maximum level of Working Tax Credits
  • your child is eligible for free school meals.

If that's the case, contact us to discuss your circumstances.

Contact us if you have questions about eligibility or your child's current travel arrangements.

Reasons for appeal

You can only appeal for one of the four reasons described below.


A child’s eligibility under any of the statutory categories and the criteria in the Home to School Travel and Transport Policy. For example, you can appeal where you believe:

  • the council has made an error
  • the council has failed in its statutory duties.

The distance measurement

The distance measurement in relation to statutory walking distances or extended rights. For example, you can appeal if your child attends the nearest school and you disagree with the measurement from home to school.

The safety of the route

The council has a statutory duty to provide free travel if there is no available walking route. For example, you can appeal if your child attends the nearest school and you disagree with the availability of a safe walking route.

The transport arrangements offered

The suitability of the travel arrangements offered. For example, you can appeal if your child has been given free transport but you believe it is not suitable for their needs.

How to appeal

We follow a two-stage appeals process that is set out in guidance by the Department for Education.

Stage one

The school admissions and transport services manager will consider your appeal request. We will send you a response within 20 days unless the case is more complex.

Stage two

If our decision is upheld, you have 20 days from our response to make a written request to escalate your appeal. Then, in stage two, an independent panel will hear your appeal.

Complete the form below to start stage one of the appeals process.

Start your appeal

You can only use this form to appeal decisions made about home to school transport within 20 working days.

Contact us if you have any questions.

You can only use this form to appeal decisions made about home to school transport.

Contact us if you have a question about existing or future arrangements.

You may not need to appeal

Contact us if you believe your child has needs we did not consider when assessing them for transport.

You can appeal the decision based on the appeal criteria (eligibility, distance, safety).