Contact the School Admissions Advice Team

Send a message to our team.

Your query
What do you want to contact us about?

Change school in Oxfordshire

Before you contact us

Read the guidance about transferring or moving school before contacting us.

Do not contact us about the progress of an application, we are unable to give you that information. We will write to you once we have processed the application and there is a space available.

Progress of an application

We'll contact you

We cannot provide details about the progress of an application. We'll contact you when we have processed your application, and we have an offer for your child.

Your contact form

Send us a message


Other ways you can contact us

By post or telephone

School Admissions Team

County Hall

New Road



0345 241 2487

Service information

We will respond to webform enquiries within 10 working days.

We cannot provide details about the progress of an application. We'll contact you when we have processed your application, and we have an offer for your child.