Contact home to school transport

Send a message about travelling to school or home to school travel assistance.

Your query
What is your contact about?

Items left on a bus

Contact the bus company directly to get back items left on a school bus. We sent you contact information for the company when we arranged the transport. However, if you don't have that information or have difficulties contacting the company, send a message below.

Applying directly to a school

We do not automatically assess children for free school transport for schools that have opted out of our admissions scheme.

You must provide a copy of your offer letter before we check your child's eligibility.

How to supply your offer letter

When you send the form, we'll email you instructions for supplying your offer letter.

Your contact form

Your details

These are the details we will use to contact you.

Your child's details

Moving to a new address

Tell us your child's new address so that we can reassess your eligibility for free transport. We will ask you to provide proof of address before putting any travel arrangements in place.

What type of school do you want to find?

Concerns about safety

Tell us about any particular sections or risks that concern you.