Complaints, comments and compliments
How to tell us what you think about our services - good or bad.
Adult social care
You have the right to be treated fairly and with respect and to make your own choices whenever possible.
If you are unhappy with our services, it’s important you let us know. You won’t ever be treated unfairly because of something you have said.
When you contact us, we will:
- take everything you have to say seriously
- help you resolve any complaints as quickly as possible
- use what you tell us to improve our services
- not discriminate against you in any way
- get back to you as quickly as we can
Complaints we can help you with
We handle complaints about:
- your assessment, care plan or review
- poor quality service and/or communication
- the charge you pay for our service and how we have assessed it
- delays in service
- staff behaviour or attitude
- the way we give out or withhold information.
If you are not sure if we can deal with your complaint, contact us, and we will be happy to direct you to the right place.
What happens when you make a complaint?
Once you contact us, we will ensure that we acknowledge your complaint within three days. We usually contact you to find out more about your complaint and let you know how we will work with you to resolve it.
Most complaints are resolved early, and we aim to deal with your complaint efficiently to ensure you don't have to wait long for a resolution or explanation.
In some cases, a complaint may take longer to resolve, depending on the issue. At all stages, we will discuss and keep you informed about how long the investigation will take.
Help with making a complaint
Anyone can help you complain as long as they have your permission. Carers, friends and neighbours can make complaints for you, but we need to be satisfied that the issues raised are in line with your feelings.
Finding someone to speak for you
If you do not have friends or family available to support you and you would struggle to make a complaint by yourself, we can help provide you with an independent advocate. Their job is to support you in getting your voice heard on this important matter.
Taking things further
If you think that we haven’t resolved your complaint, you can escalate it to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. They investigate complaints about councils and other organisations in a fair and independent way.