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A40 Access to Witney

This scheme will construct new west-facing slip roads at the A40/B4022 Shores Green junction to improve access to Witney.

Traffic restrictions during construction

The A40 will be fully closed for one night between Ducklington and the Shores Green Junction from 8pm on 9 February 2025 to 6am on 10 February 2025.  This closure is necessary to install barriers safely, and signs before construction begins. The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.

Starting 10 February 2025 and until the end of construction, the speed limit on the A40 within the scheme extents will be temporarily reduced to 50mph speed limit, and the speed limit on the B4022 within the Scheme extents will also be temporarily reduced to 30mph speed limit.  

Lane 1 of the A40 within this project area will be closed in both directions from February 2025 until the end of construction. Other lanes will remain open to traffic.

As with any major construction project that modifies an existing highway, a degree of disruption is inevitable. We are doing all we can to mitigate disruption to the greatest extent possible through phased implementation and speed limit reductions for the safety of our road network users and our workforce. 

About the project 

The proposed junction upgrade forms part of the wider Witney Area Strategy, started in 2014, to improve access between Witney and the A40. 

This final improvement at the Shores Green junction on the A40 will add west-facing slip roads and provide new and improved walking, cycling and bus stop facilities in the local area. 

Your questions answered

View your questions about Access to Witney answered for more details.

Why we are investing here

The proposals to address traffic and transport issues on the section of the A40 between Witney and Oxford will result in:

  • better transport connections and access
  • reduced emissions of harmful pollutants
  • more sustainable travel options 
  • new jobs and housing

The improvements at the Shores Green junction will give residents more choices, particularly those wanting to access the A40. Crucially, it will enable more local and through traffic to access the A40 without needing to travel through Witney town centre or use the A40/Ducklington Lane junction. 

The improvements will help alleviate existing congestion and air quality problems in Witney town centre, particularly at A4095 Bridge Street. 

The scheme will provide new walking and cycling paths and crossings on the B4022 and alongside the A40 that will provide improved and safer connections between South Leigh, High Cogges and Witney and to the shared path along the A40 to Oxford. 

In addition, the scheme will support the delivery of new homes proposed in the West Oxfordshire Local Plan.

Timetable of activity
Activity Target date
Public engagement May 2021 - complete
Preferred option presented to Cabinet July 2021 - complete
Planning application submission Early 2022 - complete
Planning approval Mid-2023 - complete
Detailed design commences Early 2024
Compulsory purchases and side roads
orders made
Sept 2024 - complete
Enabling works begin on site February 2025
Construction begins on site Spring 2025
Construction works completed Mid 2026

Enabling works for the Access to Witney (Shores Green) project, initially scheduled to start in November 2024, will now begin in February 2025. This is because of delays with land assembly. The project remains on course to be completed in 2026.

How it is going to be funded

The A40 Access to Witney improvement scheme is funded by a combination of Housing and Growth Deal (HGD) funds and Section 106 developer contributions.

The estimated cost of the scheme £25 million.

CPO and SRO for the Access to Witney scheme

On 30 September 2024, the Secretary of State for Transport issued her decision to confirm the CPO and the SRO for the Access to Witney scheme. The confirmed orders, together with the Inspector’s Report to the Secretary of State and the Secretary of State’s Decision Letter, can be found through the link below. 

More information

This webpage will provide further information as the project progresses. A frequently asked questions page is provided and updated regularly. You can also follow us on Facebook and Nextdoor to receive regular updates on the project.

You can sign up to get an update on the project directly to your email by emailing us (with the subject “Access to Witney newsletter”) to  A40witneyaccess@oxfordshire.gov.uk

If you would like to reach out to the project team for any other reason, send an email to A40witneyaccess@oxfordshire.gov.uk