Oxfordshire County Council's performance reports

How Oxfordshire County Council is performing

Corporate plan and performance indicators

Our vision shows how we will achieve our vision of thriving communities for everyone in Oxfordshire. The plan sets out our key programmes of work and priorities for four years.

At the start of each year we agree a number of performance indicators so that we can assess the council’s performance against the priorities set out in the Corporate Plan. This is called the Outcomes Framework 2022-23 (pdf format, 173Kb).

Our assessment of our performance using the Outcomes Framework can be viewed in the reports below.

Business management and monitoring reports

The council’s performance is reported and published regularly. In recent years this has been quarterly (four times a year). From March 2019 the council moved to a monthly reporting cycle. This new format brings together information on performance, risk, and finance in a single monthly report. For details and previous reports, use the links below:

These reports help officers and members of the council to monitor performance in key service areas and be assured that progress is being made to improve areas where performance has fallen below expectations.

To help us do this we:

  • make sure that decisions about performance and improvement are taken in line with the council’s priorities
  • set challenging targets to encourage improvement, and continually monitor our performance against these targets
  • collect, listen and learn from feedback from our customers.

These reports are also considered by the council’s Performance Scrutiny Committee, whose statutory responsibility is to review and scrutinise the council’s performance. More information can be found on the council’s scrutiny pages.

Annual accounts and audit

The Annual Statement of Accounts presents the financial position of the county council for the previous year (ending 31 March). It includes a narrative report and annual governance statement.

The Annual Audit and Inspection letter produced by independent external auditors gives a summary of the past year’s council's performance and an analysis of its finances.

Visit the annual accounts and audit page to view these documents

Annual reports

Productivity plan 

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities require all local councils to produce a productivity plan. Below is Oxfordshire County Council's productivity plan which has been submitted to central government.