Our strategic plan 2023 - 2025
Our vision: Working in partnership to make Oxfordshire a greener, fairer and healthier county.
Our strategic plan 2022 - 2025 (pdf format, 3.6Mb) sets out our vision to lead positive change by working in partnership to make Oxfordshire a greener, fairer and healthier county.
We live in a vibrant, diverse and innovative rural and urban county. Over 723,200 residents live in one of Oxfordshire’s many beautiful villages and bustling market towns, quiet rural hamlets or in the historic city of Oxford and large town of Banbury.
We want to make sure that everyone in Oxfordshire can take advantage of what the county has to offer. Our strategic plan explains our nine cross-cutting priorities and commitments to achieve our vision and sets out our areas of focus.
Our nine priorities are:
- Put action to address the climate emergency at the heart of our work.
- Tackle inequalities in Oxfordshire.
- Prioritise the health and wellbeing of residents.
- Support carers and the social care system.
- Invest in an inclusive, integrated and sustainable transport network.
- Preserve and improve access to nature and green spaces.
- Create opportunities for children and young people to reach their full potential.
- Play our part in a vibrant and participatory local democracy.
- Work with local businesses and partners for environmental, economic and social benefit.
The plan lays out a clear course of action for how we will aim to achieve each priority and ways we will work with partners to create a more joined-up approach to delivering services.
Over the next three years, we will continue to make progress towards our vision to protect the Oxfordshire we love and ensure the greatest opportunities possible for every resident to live their best life.
Monitoring and measuring progress towards the nine priorities
Performance in delivering the overall strategy, including progress towards targets, supporting performance measures and budget, will be reviewed regularly and communicated through the county council’s business management and monitoring reports.
The reports are then reviewed by the council’s Cabinet, senior management team and by the Performance and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Supporting strategies
- Consultation and engagement strategy (pdf format, 196Kb)
- Property and assets strategy (pdf format, 2.8Mb)