Pension scheme forms for employers

Library of employer templates and forms

LGPS and the employer role

The LGPS requires employers to take an active role in administering the scheme on behalf of scheme members, your employees.

You will find below: 

  • forms you will need in order to instruct the Fund 
  • forms you will need in order to request information from the Fund. 
  • template forms and letters which you can badge and adapt in order to give your members information about their pension

Please note: The forms on these pages are for employer use only. Member information can be found on the Pension scheme member pages.

Data collection via i-Connect

  • i-Connect is our data exchange platform between employers and the Pension Fund . All our employers must use i-Connect for their monthly data uploads.
  • The data and member information you provide us with every month, is moved via the interface and directly uploaded to our pension database. 
  • Log into i-Connect
  • If you require training or have a question about i-Connect, please email

Template letters and forms

New starters

You can add your own logo, your own information about assessing the member’s contribution rate, where to find and who to contact for more information.

50/50 section

Members’ elections into the 50/50 section and to return to the main scheme- for each template add in your own logo and contact details before sending to your employee.  After taking the requested payroll action, send fully completed forms to Pension Services.


Add in your own logo and contacts. Personalise these letters by adding in other details about your employment arrangements for taking unpaid leave.

  • Absence 1 (docx format, 764Kb): to alert employees that a period of unpaid leave could have an effect on their pension and they need to take their own steps.
  • Absence 2 (docx format, 767Kb): template letter to issue on return to work. Gives employee all the information they need to get a quote and application form using the interactive tool on
  • Please direct members and general enquiries about costs of reinstating lost pension to the national website

HR estimates

There may be a cost to the employer where early payment of pensions results in a shortfall in pension funding, for example 

  • Where members take their pensions under redundancy or efficiency terms
  • Where employers use the discretion to waive percentage reductions following a member’s request for early release of pension or by ‘switching on’ the 85-year rule protection. 

Employers can request an estimate of the cost to them of these types of retirements by completing the form and sending to Pension Services. We call these HR estimates.

Retirement confirmation

It is the employer’s responsibility to confirm a member’s entitlement to a pension. Use this form confirm your decision.

Flexible retirement

Add your own logo, adjust to suit your policy statement and process, personalise the form to enable your employees to ask you to consider flexible retirement. More information about flexible retirement.

Death in service

Full details about the process and background information for employers

Ill-health retirements

Remember the two years vesting period before ill health retirement pension. Always check with Pension Services to ensure the member can qualify

More information for employers about the ill health process


The employer or former employer must make the final decisions, collect information and record decisions. Be sure to use the correct certificate, they are not transferable The most frequently used certificates are in the list below. Others, required less often, are also listed, but you must request these from Pension Services.

Most frequently used certificates

Early payment of a deferred pension on health grounds 

Other reasons for medical certificates 

Request these documents from Pension Services:      

  • Tier three pension in payment – Member requests review within 3 years of leaving. Leaver after 31.3.2014 (reference 8)
  • Tier three pension suspended – member requests review after 3 years from leaving, leaver after 31.3.2014 (reference 9)  
  • Tier three pension suspended – member request review more than 3 years after pension stopped, leaver before 1.4.2014  (reference 12)     
  • Request for early payment of deferred pension on health grounds for former elected member (reference 6).   

A member with a deferred pension should use Early ill health request form (pdf format, 137Kb) to start the enquiry about early payment.