Travel plans, travel plan statements and advice
Different types of travel plans and how they are used.
On this page
Why travel plans, statements and information packs are important
Travel plans and travel plan statements:
- encourage sustainable travel
- reduce traffic
- reduce carbon emissions and climate impacts
- create accessible, connected, inclusive communities
- improve health outcomes and quality of life
- improve road safety
- reduce the need for increasing existing road capacity or provide new roads.
They support national planning policy which states that planning should manage patterns of growth to make the fullest possible use of public transport, walking and cycling and focus significant development in locations that are or can be made sustainable.
Travel plans, assessments and statements can also help improve the quality of town centre parking and the vitality of town centres, make a site or district attractive to new visitors and release land for development that would have been used for parking.
When to use a travel plan and the costs of monitoring them
Depending on the size and location of a development, different types of travel plans will be required.
Types of plan
Travel plans
A travel plan is a package of measures that aims to encourage more sustainable travel such as walking, cycling and using public transport.
A travel plan is required for planning applications of development sites. This could be for a new school, office block, hospital, university buildings, residential areas and leisure facilities.
It is a long-term strategy for integrating sustainable travel into planning and should be considered alongside other development proposals.
Travel plans should not be used to unfairly penalise drivers. A travel plan is no guarantee that a proposed development will be approved on highways grounds.
Travel plan statements
A travel plan statement is a simple form of travel plan for smaller developments and can be used where a full travel plan is not required.
It should set out the existing conditions within and near to the development and promote sustainable travel.
If it is agreed that a travel plan statement is acceptable for the development then use the travel plan statement template (docx format, 23Kb). If you need help see below.
Travel information packs
Travel information packs are for small developments that fall below the thresholds for a travel plan statement.
The aim is to give new residents an outline of the local service in the area they are moving into, and the opportunities for sustainable travel to and from the site to the local area.
Check what information should be included in a travel information pack (pdf format, 159Kb). If you need help see below.
Framework travel plans
Framework travel plans are used for larger mixed-use developments that will have a range of land uses and will have multiple occupiers.
The plan covers joint outcomes, targets, and indicators that are centrally administrated for the tenants or end-users of the development.
Framework travel plans should be submitted and approved as part of the planning application process. Fees may be charged for monitoring the plan.
A school travel plan should contain information on pupil and staff travel patterns and be linked with other school policies, such as eco-school projects and the school admissions process. The plan should identify and promote opportunities for parents, pupils, and staff to use travel that doesn't involve cars.
We now use a system called Modeshift STARS for school travel plans. Please contact a member of the Travel Plans Team for advice and to get access to the system.
Travel plan monitoring
As part of your commitment to travel plans, you are required to carry out monitoring for at least five years to track targets while ensuring that active and sustainable travel is encouraged.
See our Travel plan monitoring guidance and surveys (pdf format) for business and residents (pdf format) for information on monitoring reports and response rates for surveys. The guidance document is a draft, any feedback would be appreciated.
Contact the Travel Plans team if you have any questions or need help.
Guidance documents
This document covers different types of travel plan that may be produced for new developments. It also sets out the requirements and monitoring fees for any new developments in the county.
How we can help
Some developers may require support or help with drawing up travel plans and statements or implementing them.
The Travel Plans Team is responsible for commenting on planning applications as well as reviewing travel plans and development-related monitoring requirements.
The team can provide a consultancy to developers to produce travel information packs and travel plans for developments with travel plan conditions.
The Travel Plans Team can be commissioned to provide tailored support charged based on officer time plus any expenses, for example, site visits. This fee would be in addition to any monitoring fees required.