Residents’ Parking Schemes - Explanatory Notes
Explanatory notes about the residents parking schemes
Residents’ parking schemes are designed to regulate parking, to reduce highway obstruction and to give priority over available space to residents and their visitors. Drivers should check daily that the location bay they are parked in has not had a suspension notice added.
Motorbikes do not require parking permits. They should be parked diagonally towards the kerb so as not to take up a full space that could be used by a motor vehicle.
1. Use of “permit holders only” parking places
These parking places are available generally for the full 24 hours of every day unless specifically signed otherwise, when they may only be used by:
- Vehicles with a valid virtual Resident Parking Permit
- Vehicles with a valid virtual Visitor’s Parking Permit
- Vehicles with a valid virtual Business Parking Permit
- Vehicles displaying a valid Disabled Parking Badge
*on passenger vehicles adapted to carry not more than 12 passengers, and vehicles not exceeding 2 metres in height, 5 metres in length, 2 metres in width and under 2250kg (2.25 Tonnes)
All virtual permits are issued for use in the designated bays on the public highway only. Virtual permits are only valid in a permit-controlled zone with the same letter’s suffix marked on road signs. It is not possible to allocate specific parking spaces to individual residents nor can it be guaranteed that there will be space adjacent to individuals’ houses, although sufficient space should be available within the parking zone.
1.1 Bays marked as free parking for a limited period
Residents may park in free parking bays for limited periods for the time stated only, unless the bay is also signed for use by vehicles with a valid virtual permit for the appropriate zone wherever the zone’s two-letter suffix also appears on the road sign
1.2 Shared-use bays
Vehicles with a valid virtual resident parking permit or a virtual Visitors’ Parking Permit are permitted to park without payment in any dual-use resident parking bays. The parking time restrictions are as shown on the road signs.
2. Application for a virtual resident’s parking permit
Before issue, the applicant must register for an account at The applicant must upload, to the council’s satisfaction, recent proof of residency and the vehicle registration document (VRD) which must be in the name of the applicant. Residents applying for any of the below Controlled Parking Zones need to ensure the vehicle is also registered at the Oxford address. If you do live in one of these zones, and your vehicle is not currently registered to that address, complete your certificate ready to change, and then scan or email a copy to us before you forward it to the DVLA.
- Abingdon (AB)
- Banbury (BCW)
- Bicester (BC)
- Cowley Central East (CT)
- Cowley Central West (CS)
- Cowley Marsh (CM)
- Didcot (DT)
- Divinity Road (DV)
- Donnington (DN)
- East Oxford (EO)
- Florence Park (FP)
- Henley (HL)
- Iffley Fields (FS)
- Holloway North & South (HT & HS)
- New Marston (MA)
- Magdalen North & South (MN & RH)
- New Headington Quarry (QV)
- South Oxford Extension (SE)
- Temple Cowley (CL)
- Thame (TH)
- Upper Wolvercote (WU)
- Wantage (WN)
- Wood Farm (WF)
- Woodstock (WS)
- Waterways (WW)
Each eligible applicant is entitled to one virtual resident parking permit which is vehicle specific.
2.1 Proof of residency
A person is eligible for a virtual Resident’s Parking Permit if they are at least 17 years of age and then only if they normally reside (5 days every week for at least 6 weeks) at an eligible postal address within one of the zones providing proof of residency is produced.
Satisfactory proof is:
- A utility bill or financial statement dated within the last three months
- A Council Tax document for the current tax year that is addressed to you at the property that you reside at in Oxford
- A fully signed, termed Tenancy Agreement (We only require the pages showing the tenant names, property address, tenancy term dates and the signatures)
- An official letter from organisations such as HMRC, NHS, Benefits agency, local Council etc. dated within the last three months
- A payslip dated within the last three months (name and address must be visible).
2.2 Eligibility
New applicants must prove that they are the registered keeper of the vehicle for which the virtual permit is to be issued, by uploading a scan or photograph of the vehicle registration document or the last road tax reminder in the name of the applicant.
Vehicles rented through a reputable firm for a minimum of one year will qualify for a parking permit however, borrowed vehicles will not.
For residents who have purchased a vehicle from a dealer within the last month can produce a sales invoice showing their name to qualify for a permit.
If you do not have either the vehicle registration document or the last road tax license renewal form, you must obtain a new document from the DVLA.
Note* Insurance documents detailing who is insured to drive a vehicle and vehicles registered in the names of parents or others, do not qualify as proof of ownership, even if the vehicle is insured for the Oxford resident to drive.
2.3 New car or change of car
To obtain a new virtual resident permit you will need to sign in to your account to manage this.
You will need to upload one of the following documents:
- Garage sales invoice that was issued within the last month
- New registered keepers tear-off slip (V5 new keeper supplement-green slip)
- Or the vehicle registration document signed for transfer to the new owner (this can be scanned and emailed to us before you forward it to the DVLA.)
Until your change request has been approved the vehicle should be parked either legally in non-permit holder bays or in permit holder bays with a valid virtual visitor permit.
2.4 Company vehicles
A full-time employee may obtain a virtual permit for a vehicle provided by their employer. To obtain a virtual permit a letter must be produced on company headed paper in the following format.
- This to confirm that “applicant’s name” is a full- time employee of “company name” and is supplied with “vehicle make/model/registration number” for his/her sole business and social use. The vehicle is used essentially for the operational purpose of conducting official company business from the Oxford area.
This letter must be produced with either a copy of the registration document (if the vehicle is registered in the name of the Company) or a copy of the vehicle lease agreement between the company and the vehicle provider, together with recent official proof of residency.
Any applicant, who is claiming exemption from Council Tax based on being a student, is not eligible to apply for a company car as they cannot both be a full- time employee and meet the required period for studies.
2.5 New residents
Virtual permits may be applied for up to 14 days before permanent occupancy of a property. If you are purchasing a property, then a letter from a solicitor’s firm confirming completion has taken place will be sufficient. If renting, a fully signed, termed tenancy agreement, or a letter from a professional lettings agent that occupation will commence on a stated date will be accepted. Landlords will not qualify for parking permits. The scheme is for residents of a property in a Controlled Parking Zone.
3. Virtual visitors’ parking permits
As there is little off-street parking in many of the Controlled Parking Zones, residents and their visitors must compete for on-street parking with only approximately one space available per house frontage, or even less when private entrances need to be kept clear. Therefore, some form of restraint is required to ration the limited parking space available in an equitable way, thus introducing a maximum limit of 50 virtual visitors permits per person, per year. An allocation of 50 credits is intended to last one year, as we enter a new cycle each following year.
Any person who normally resides at an eligible address within a zone (note Central area below section 5) and who is at least 17 years of age and provides proof of residency (see note 2.1) may apply for virtual Visitors’ Parking Permits known as ‘credits’. These ‘credits’ are only for use by guests visiting a resident at the application address. They are valid for a 24 hour period and cannot be transferred between vehicles. An eligible resident is entitled to 50 days’ worth of virtual Visitors’ Parking Permits per year and the first allocation of 25 are free of charge and the second allocation of 25 are chargeable. In most cases the cost is £31.50.
Residents aged 70 or over will not be charged for the second allocation upon proof of age.
All residents over the age of 17 can apply for virtual visitor parking permits – not just car owners.
3.1 Virtual Visitors’ parking permits – ‘Credits’
You will need to login to your account to activate a ‘credit’ by selecting the date and time of arrival of your visitor, including their vehicle registration number. A virtual permit is valid for 24 hours and it cannot be transferred between vehicles during that period. For multiple visitors, use additional credits and consider using timed non-permit holder bays for shorter stays.
3.2 Existing paper scratchcard Visitors’ permits
Current scratchcard visitor permits dated 2025/26 will all expire at the end of 2025
4. Limit on number of virtual Resident parking permits issued to properties
In a majority of controlled parking zones the maximum number of virtual resident parking permits that can be applied for per property is restricted. Virtual permits are issued on a first come first issued basis so residents must arrange between themselves who is to receive permits.
All central areas: See below and also note 5.
Restricted to a maximum of two (one permit per person) virtual Resident Parking Permits at an eligible property in these zones:
- Abingdon (AB)
- Banbury (BCW)
- Bicester (BC)
- Cowley Marsh (CM)
- Cowley Central West (CS)
- Cowley Central East (CT)
- Didcot (DT)
- Divinity Road (DV)
- Donnington (DN)
- East Oxford (EO)
- Elms Road (ER)
- Holloway (HT)
- Iffley Fields (FS)
- Jericho (JE)
- Magdalen North (MN)
- Magdalen Road and Howard Street (RH)
- North Marston (MA)
- New Headington Quarry (QV)
- Shrivenham (SH)
- South Oxford (SO)
- South Oxford Extension
- Summertown (SM)
- Thame (TH)
- Upper Wolvercote (WU)
- Walton Manor (WM)
- Wantage (WN)
- West Oxford (WO)
- Waterways (WW)
- Woodstock (WS)
New developments or houses that have been converted into flats are generally excluded from permit eligibility. This also affects older properties that have given up part of the property for infill development. Applicants are advised to check that the property is eligible before signing a contract or lease agreement by contacting the Customer Service Centre via email
Please note we are unable to provide this information over the phone.
5. Central area resident parking zones
Only certain addresses set in 1968 are eligible for parking permits. New properties are not added to the list. Eligible properties are allowed no more than two virtual Resident Parking Permits per year however each eligible resident is entitled to apply for 50 virtual visitor parking permits. There are four zones that make up the Central area: A, B, C & D and permits can only be used to park in the zone specified by the single letter suffix. Permits are issued on a first come, first served basis. If the property does not fall within one of the four zones, permits cannot be issued.
6. Waterside (WA) resident parking zone
Properties within Waterside are only entitled to virtual Visitors’ Parking Permits because of existing off-street parking facilities available.
7. Kassam Stadium resident parking zones
Residents of Fry’s Hill, Brake Hill, Blackbird Leys West and Minchery Farm are issued with a year’s allocation of 50 virtual Visitor’s Parking Permits free of charge upon application.
8. East Oxford resident parking zone
Vehicles that have a valid virtual resident parking permit for zone EO may park free of charge in the following car parks:
St Clements Car Park:
Mon to Sat, Permit parking allowed between 4pm and 10am.
-Union St Car Park: Mon to Wed and Sat, Permit parking allowed between 4pm and 10am and Thursday and Friday, permit parking allowed between 8pm and 10am.
*You must notify the Parking Team of your vehicle registration number in the first instance and await confirmation of approval before parking free of charge. This concession does not extend to virtual Visitor’s Parking Permits.
9. Headington central residents parking zone
Vehicles that have a valid virtual resident parking permit for zone HE may also park free of charge at any time in St Leonards Road car park, however you must notify the Parking Team of your vehicle registration number in the first instance and await confirmation of approval before parking free of charge. This concession does not extend to virtual visitor’s parking permits.
10. Change a vehicle and/or address including permit renewals
Permit holders that change their vehicle or address, even if the address is within the same parking zone, must make a new application for a new virtual permit. The Council will issue a refund based on full unexpired months that remain on the original permit. Contact the to find out if a refund is due.
You can opt to receive an email reminder any time prior to the expiry date of your current permit via your account
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that they have a valid virtual parking permit, or a Penalty Charge Notice may be issued.
11. Blue Disabled Parking Badge
To apply for a disabled person’s parking badge visit Blue Badge parking permits. Blue badge holders can park in resident permit holder bays in all controlled parking zones including on-street Pay and Display parking bays free of charge and for an unlimited period of time. Parking is permitted on yellow lines for up 3 hours providing there isn’t a loading ban in force. The clock must be displayed as well as a valid blue badge. Blue badge holders are not exempt from parking charges in most off-street car parks.
12. Courtesy cars
Where a courtesy car is supplied to a permit holder whose own car is off the road for repair, the existing permit cannot be transferred to the courtesy car. You should use virtual visitor permits in the meantime or park legally.
13. Charges
The charge for an annual permit generally costs £80 for each of the first two vehicles. Only in zones where more than two vehicles are permitted, the third permit will be £161 and the fourth and subsequent permits will cost £275. Permits for zones surrounding Kassam Stadium cost £20.
Please visit Costs and payment of a parking permit for your area as prices may vary.