Junior Year 3 transfer

Apply to transfer from infant to junior school for September 2025.

Offer day for junior school

16 April 2025 is National Offer Day.

Applied online by 15 January 2025

You can log in to see your offer and then accept or reject it online. 

You'll receive an email with the details of your child's offer. We may send a letter if we have not offered your first preference or if your child is eligible for free home-to-school transport.

You need to respond to the offer by 30 April 2025.

Applied by paper form by 15 January 2025

If we cannot email you, you'll receive an offer letter within three working days after 16 April. We cannot give you this information over the phone, so wait for your letter.

You'll receive a paper response form with your offer. Scan or photograph the completed form and attach it to an email. Send it to schoolofferresponse@oxfordshire.gov.uk.

Or you can return it in the post to:

School Admissions Team
County Hall
New Road

You need to respond to the offer by 30 April 2025.

How places are allocated

See our school pages for information about how places were allocated at individual schools.

Independent school

If your child will attend an independent school, you must provide us with the school's name in writing as soon as possible. 

Home educating

If you are going to educate your child at home, please let us know in writing as soon as possible. Contact the Elective Home Education Team for further information about home educating.

Leaving Oxfordshire

If you are leaving the area and no longer require a school place in Oxfordshire, let us know as soon as possible.

Waiting lists 

Lists for most schools will start on 26 May 2025 and will be maintained until 30 June 2026. If a place becomes available, we'll write to you if we can offer that place to your child. We recommend that you accept the offered school to ensure a place for your child in September.

Find out how to add your child to a waiting list.

Free home to school travel

If your child is eligible, you'll receive a paper transport form by post. Scan or photograph the completed form and attach it to an email. Send it to schooltransportresponse@oxfordshire.gov.uk.

Or you can return it in the post to:

School Admissions Team
County Hall
New Road

Free travel will not be arranged if you do not return the completed form, and there may be a delay if you send it back late.

If your child is not eligible, you can learn more on our school travel assistance page.

Appeal a decision

If your child has not been offered the school place you want, you can make an appeal.