Reception applications

Apply to Reception at infant and primary school for September 2025.

Make an application to infant and primary school

Make an application to primary school

Parents of infant school children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 need to apply for an infant or primary school place for September 2025.

  • applications can be submitted from 4 November 2024
  • deadline for receipt of completed applications is 15 January 2025
  • National Offer Day is 16 April 2025
  • applications submitted after the deadline will be processed later in the year and have a far lower chance of securing a place at a preferred school, so please apply on time

Apply online


You are far less likely to get a place at one of your preferred schools with a late application.

Apply online

To apply online you will need: 

  • a laptop or desktop computer. The form is compatible with most tablets and mobile phones.
  • an email address to register.
  • the names of the schools you are requesting for your child (in preference order) – we strongly recommend that you use all four preferences.

If you are unable to apply online

You can request a paper application form from a school or the School Admissions Team or download this printable pdf format version for primary school applications (pdf format, 700Kb)  and post it to us.

How to delay your application

Parents of children born between 1 April 2021 and 31 August 2021 can request a delay for their application to be considered for September 2026. 

A delay means your child can start Reception in September 2026 instead of September 2025.

Who makes the decision?

School governors or the board of directors make decisions on delay requests for academies, free schools and church-aided schools. The admissions and transport services manager, in liaison with headteachers, makes decisions for community schools. 

What happens if your request is accepted?

The decision does not guarantee a place for your child at your preferred school. The decision adds no weight to your application. The school's published admissions rules will determine how we allocate places. 

What happens if the request is refused?

There is no right of appeal against the decision. You should apply for infant or primary school by 15 January 2025 to start Reception during the 2025/26 academic year. 

How to request a delay

Complete a delay request form before 15 January 2025.

National offer day

Important things to remember when applying

  • it is the responsibility of parents/carers to apply for a school place
  • apply on time. The deadline is 15 January 2025
  • you can list four different schools in order of preference. We strongly advise you to use all four preferences
  • if your application is late, it will be processed later in the year, and you are far less likely to get a place at one of your preferred schools
  • consider how your child will travel to school.