Map of streets we maintain
The highways register is a list of streets maintained with public money and their classification.
We are the highway authority for Oxfordshire and are responsible for maintaining most of the public roads in the county. The maintenance of motorways and trunk roads in the county is the responsibility of National Hghways.
Map of public highways
You can use our online map to see if a road is a public highway (often called adopted), who maintains it and its classification. It can show if a road is unclassified, classified or a trunk road. You must know this when applying for new vehicular access or a dropped kerb.
About the map
Roads are shown in different colours depending upon the authority responsible for their maintenance. Oxfordshire County Council is responsible for pink-coloured roads, National Highways are responsible for blue-coloured roads.
The lines on the map follow the middle of the road or footpath, they do not show the precise width, length or alignment of the public highway. If you would like a plan showing the full width of the highway you should request a highways search. There may be a charge for this information.
If you are in any doubt, and particularly if there is money involved such as buying a house you should get independent legal advice. Oxfordshire County Council, to the extent permitted by law, does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this facility.
Inclusion of a route on the list of streets is not conclusive evidence of what rights it carries and you should not presume that any highway shown on the list of streets means that you have the right to use it with a powered (or motor) vehicle.
As well as checking if a road is included on our list of streets, you should also look at the Definitive Map and Statement online. This is the record of public rights of way, many of which we are responsible for maintaining.
If a highway was shown on the list of streets and on Definitive Map and Statement as a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway on 2 May 2006 then the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 may have removed the public’s rights to use it with powered vehicles. This means that the public can only use it as described by the Definitive Map and Statement. We may be able to advise you further.
Highways Act 1980 Section 36(6)
The Highways Register fulfils our requirement to keep an up-to-date List of Streets maintained at public expense under Section 36 of the Highways Act 1980.