Dropped kerbs

If you would like the kerb outside your house to be lowered to give access to your property.

We are responsible for permitting construction, or alteration, of dropped kerbs (otherwise known as vehicle access crossings or crossovers) for domestic and industrial use. The permission is valid for twelve months and will only apply to land that is part of the public highway.

You are strongly advised to check there is no intervening land between your property and the highway boundary. It is for the applicant to obtain any other permissions that are required, and a copy of that agreement must be included with your application.

You must be the owner of the property to apply. If not, we will require written confirmation from the owner of the property that they are happy for you to apply for an access to their property.

Work to construct the new access must not begin until written permission has been issued and the Licensing and Streetworks Team has been notified of the contractor’s details and the start date for works has been agreed.

How to apply

Complete the application form (pdf format, 136Kb), and email it to Licensing and Streetworks Administration with a sketch plan or annotated photograph of the access and make the fee payment by BACS - see account details below.

Type one Cost
Residential non-classified roads £240
Residential classified roads £378
Type two Cost
*Multiple accesses and commercial use of non-classified roads £655
*Multiple accesses and commercial use of classified roads £840
Temporary site access prior to S278 works £1,260 (see section below)

*Multiple access is the construction of three or more parking spaces.

For guidance please see attached information sheet (pdf format, 148Kb), regarding types of vehicle access.

Account details

Account name OCC - Licencing and streetworks DCI
Sort code 30-80-12
Account number 15190568

You must also include a copy of associated planning correspondence (as confirmation that separate planning permission is not required) or planning decision notice.

Planning permission

You will need to contact your Local Planning Office (i.e. your district council) to check whether specific planning permission is also required. This applies in all cases, including proposals to modify an existing access.

If planning permission is not required, we will need confirmation in writing from the district council (there may be a charge for this). Your application will be returned to you if the information is not included. Planning permission will usually be required where the new access is on to a classified road or forms part of a larger development proposal, and in some other circumstances. We will not consider your application until planning permission is granted where this is required by the Local Planning Authority.

Please note that any applications received without confirmation in writing from the district council will be returned without being processed.

District councils

Oxford City Council
Telephone: 01865 249811

West Oxfordshire District Council
Telephone: 01993 861420

Cherwell District Council
Telephone: 01295 227006

South Oxfordshire District Council
Telephone: 01235 540546

Vale of White Horse District Council
Telephone: 01235 540347

Road classification

To establish whether the road onto which the new/amended access will lead is classified or unclassified you can use our interactive highway register or contact our Customer service Centre on 0345 310 1111

Conditions to be met

Where existing dropped kerbs within the applicant's street or locality do not meet this guidance, they will not be considered as a precedent for future applications. 

  • If you are a tenant then Oxfordshire County Council will require written confirmation from the owner of the property that they are happy for you to apply for an access to their property.
  • All highway trees within five metres of the proposed access must be displayed on the sketch plan of the proposed access. Crossings too close to existing highway trees will not be approved.
  • A crossing will not be approved within 15 metres of a junction.
  • A crossing will not be approved, or an existing crossing to be widened, so that it covers the full width of your property unless planning regulations require you to provide a number of dropped kerbs which would require you to drop the full width.
  • Your application will not be approved unless you are able to provide a suitable parking area within your property. This must be at least 5m deep, measured from the front of your house to the boundary of the property, and at least 2.5m wide for a standard car.There must be at least 1.2m width for unfettered access to and from the front door and for emergency access.
  • Separate “in and out” crossings are not permitted. If you have vehicle access to the front and rear of your property crossings at each frontage may also be allowed, provided it is not possible to drive from one to the other through the property. Please contact us for advice in these circumstances.
  • If your proposal to create a new access or extend an existing one encroaches onto your neighbour’s property line you must enclose written confirmation from the owner confirming they are happy with your proposals.

Other considerations

Any application for the construction of a vehicle crossing may be refused or modified on the grounds of safety. The applicant must ensure that adequate sight lines are maintained to allow safe access to their property.

If the proposed position of the access is obstructed by a road sign, lamp post, fire hydrant, telegraph pole or tree etc, the location should be altered to avoid the obstacle. If this is not feasible, a decision will have to be made as to whether the item be removed or relocated.  You will be responsible for meeting the cost of carrying out any such removal or relocation.

If your proposal affects street furniture and road signs etc, we will have to consult with other departments and therefore your application may not be dealt with within normal timescales.

Where an existing roadside ditch is affected by a new vehicle access the ditch will be piped in accordance with the requirements of the Environment Agency or local Land Drainage Authority (usually this is your District Council). Oxfordshire County Council will require a copy of the agreement before we can process your application

No part of the vehicle parked within your property may project over the highway.

No part of the footway from the dropped kerb to the property boundary may be used for the purpose of vehicle parking.

You, or your approved contractor, will be required to consult all statutory undertakers to find out if their apparatus is affected by your proposals. The contractor will require this information before they can excavate the highway.

Further information

A list of contractors that carry out vehicular access works will be sent with the approval letter for information purposes only; OCC does not guarantee the standard of workmanship.

If you decide to use a contractor not on the supplied contractors list, they must supply evidence of relevant Streetworks qualifications and £10 million public liability insurance before any works can be carried out

Your rights

The construction of a vehicle crossing outside your house does not give you any particular rights, except to drive across the footway to gain access to your property. The crossing itself becomes part of the public highway once it is satisfactorily constructed

Developments / temporary site accesses

For construction of temporary site accesses, you will be required to apply for Temporary Construction Access Authorisation and Agreement under S278 of the Highways Act 1980.

For construction of a bellmouth access you must contact the Road Agreements Team for advice as this would normally necessitate a Section 278 agreement. For more information contact roadagreements@oxfordshire.gov.uk

Complete the Temporary Access Application form (docx format, 60Kb) and email it to Licensing and Streetworks Administration, with details of planning consent reference number and approved plan/s.