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Woodstock Road corridor improvements

Construction work on improvements to walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure along the Woodstock Road corridor (A4144) in Oxford, from the Wolvercote Roundabout to St. Giles will begin on 12 August and is expected to continue until the end of March 2025.

Night-time works - Friday 2 to Tuesday 13 September for bus lane reversal

From 2 to 13 September there will be night-time works between the hours of 8.30pm and 5.30am on Woodstock Road between Wolvercote Roundabout and Squitchey Lane. The night-time works will take place on Monday to Friday nights only, not on Saturdays and Sundays.

The work is part of the reversal of the direction of the bus lane, removing the existing lane lines and re-installing new lining on the other side of the road. The existing lining will be removed by hydroblasting, which is more eco-friendly and less noisy than other methods, albeit there will still be some noise generated during the works.

The works will be done under two-way temporary traffic lights. They are scheduled as night-time works to minimise the impact on the network as Botley Road remains closed.

What you can expect

The project will deliver a package of highway improvements along Woodstock Road, from the Wolvercote roundabout to St Giles.

The project is comprised of two parts: reversal of the bus lane under experimental traffic regulation order (ETRO), and road safety improvements for cycling, walking and wheeling.

Part 1 – Reversal in direction of the bus lane

The southbound bus lane between Wolvercote (A40) and Squitchey Lane will be removed and replaced with a northbound bus lane of similar length on the other sideof the road. This follows consultation with key stakeholders, including bus operators, and is informed by initial traffic modelling for the planned traffic filters trial in Oxford. 

The bus lane reversal is being implemented as a trial through an experimental traffic regulation order (ETRO). 

There will be a six-month public consultation when the trial reversal comes in place, expected to be from October 2024.

Part 2 – Active travel measures

The second part of the project will provide impovements to journeys made by cycling, walking and wheeling, and includes:: 

  • New and improved side road crossings, widening pavement space, providing ‘at level’ shorter crossing distances for people walking and increasing the gradient of ramps for vehicles entering the side roads between and including Bevington Road and St. Margaret's Road. 
  • Extending the off-road cycle path on the western side of Woodstock Road between the junctions of Frenchay Road and St Margaret's Road 
  • A new zebra crossing on Woodstock Road just south of Bevington Road
  • A new full time bus stop clearway on the east side of the Woodstock Road just north of the junction with St Giles
  • Local relocation of a marked parking bay (limited stay parking) outside Belsyre Court on the Woodstock Road to accommodate an informal pedestrian crossing.

The proposals have been co-developed with a number of key stakeholders between winter 2023 and summer 2024, and were formally consulted between 8 May and 5 June 2024. They were approved for development by the cabinet member for travel and development strategy at a delegated cabinet member decision meeting in July 2024.

Indicative timeline of works

The construction works are phased to minimise disruption. The timings below are indicative and may be affected by weather conditions and other factors such as utilities.

Residents and businesses affected by the works will be informed by a letter drop two weeks prior to works starting with details about the works and traffic management. Diversion routes are shown by road signage.

Bus lane reversal

From 2 September for approximately six weeks.

Side road entrance safety improvements

  • Field House Drive – 12 August to 17 September 2024
  • Little Clarendon Street (East) – 3 February to 28 March 2025
  • St Margarets Road West – 12 August to 30 September 2024
  • Bevington Road – 12 August to 27 September 2024
  • St Margarets Road East – 30 September to 5 November 2024
  • St. Bernards Street – 25 October to 25 November 2024
  • Farndon Road – 05 November 2024 to 4 December 2024
  • Little Clarendon Street (West) – 28 November 2025 to 3 February 2025
  • Canterbury Road – 3 December 2024 to 9 January 2025
  • South Parade – 9 January to 7 February 2025
  • Leckford Road – 9 January to 18 February 2025
  • Plantation Road – 18 February– 15 March 2025

Why we are investing here

As a major road in Oxford, Woodstock Road has been identified as a route that will benefit significantly from improvements to road safety and bus journey times. By investing now and giving people options other than travelling by car, we can minimise the impact of motorised traffic as the city grows. The changes along Woodstock Road are informed by the county councils Local Transport and Connectivity Plan and aim to:

  • increase walking, wheeling and cycling ;
  • make walking and cycling safer;
  • improve public transport journey times;
  • enhance placemaking; and 
  • help residents and employees travel in and out of the city more sustainably.

The project also supports the county’s wider Transport Strategy including the North Oxford corridors improvement project and the A40 improvement project

How much will it cost?

The total budget for this project is £3.2m, secured from government funding (Housing and Growth Deal).

If you have any specific questions please contact woodstockroad@oxfordshire.gov.uk