A40 Eynsham Park and Ride to Wolvercote scheme
This scheme will deliver new bus lanes and a connection to the Eynsham park and ride to enable fast, reliable, congestion-free bus travel along the A40. Improvements to the pedestrian and cycle paths will ensure active travel for local and longer distance trips is safe, direct and convenient.
About the project
The A40 Eynsham Park and Ride to Wolvercote scheme will deliver a new junction connecting the new park and ride at Eynsham to the A40, new bus lanes, and upgraded walking and cycling facilities. This infrastructure will improve the journeys of current and future residents, as well as visitors to Oxford, by opening up new travel options and making journeys quicker and safer.
The scheme designs are the result of extensive review of the A40 improvements programme, which had to be done due to continued high inflation and increases to construction costs since 2020. Despite the challenges, the council has worked with government to secure the funding, through adapting the programme design and phasing its delivery.
The scheme complements other projects along the A40 corridor between Witney and Oxford, including Eynsham park and ride (built), Oxford North corridor improvements (built) and the Shores Green interchange slip roads (Access to Witney scheme - construction to start in early 2025).
Artists impression of the scheme
Elements of the scheme
The full scheme, which measures 7.3km / 4.5miles in length, includes the following:
- Full bus priority eastbound along the A40 between the new Eynsham park and ride and Wolvercote
- Bus priority westbound along the A40 between Cassington and the new Eynsham park and ride
- A high-quality active travel route along the A40 between the new Eynsham park and ride and Wolvercote, featuring upgrades:
- South side new 3m wide shared path continuous from Eynsham park and ride through to Wolvercote (longer term, walking and cycling trips will be concentrated on the south side of the A40 moving east of Eynsham).
- North side new and widened shared path between the Eynsham park and ride site and A40 - Lower Road junction, and also through Cassington.
- Five new and two upgraded signal-controlled crossings of the A40 for active travel
- A new junction onto the A40 from the park and ride, located to the west of Eynsham
- Major junction improvements and capacity enhancement at Cassington and at the A40 Lower Road roundabout.
- New bus stops and bus shelters throughout
- New planting and landscaping
- Improved drainage and flood risk management measures.
- Road safety improvements, new road signage as well as new lighting through built up areas.
While the planning application for the scheme covers full scheme scope, the delivery of scheme will be done in phases. The first phase will be delivered using the available funding from the government. It includes the following:
A. between Eynsham Park and Ride and Cassington (approx. 3.5 km):
- A new A40 junction at the park and ride site
- Continuous eastbound and westbound bus lanes
- Upgrades to active travel (walking and cycling) pathways north and south sides
- Five new A40 controlled crossings
- Two upgraded A40 controlled crossings at Witney Rd and Cassington Junction
- Improvements to uncontrolled crossings
- Capacity enhancements at Lower Road roundabout
- Major capacity enhancement of the two signalised junctions at Cassington.
B. Over Duke's Cut Bridges (approx. 800m):
- An eastbound bus lane over Duke's Cut bridges connecting to the eastbound bus lane at Oxford North
- An upgraded and widened active travel pathway on the south side connecting with Oxford North.
The first phase of work has been designed in a way that safeguards the future delivery of the remaining elements of the full scheme. When further funding becomes available, the county council can then deliver the remaining phases without delay.
Why we are investing here
The scheme will provide better transport connections, promote sustainable travel options, and reduce emissions. It will enable the creation of new jobs and support the requirements of major local housing developments in West Oxfordshire.
Where we are now
Funding has been secured for the scheme's first phase, and the plans have been presented to the public.
The public engagement occurred online from 25 November 2024 to 1 January 2025, with two in-person exhibitions in Cassington and Eynsham on 25 November and 4 December, respectively.
Feedback from the public engagement and engagement with stakeholders will be reflected in a new planning application that will be submitted for the scheme in spring 2025.
Construction will begin after the planning application is approved and is expected to take 24 months, finishing by summer 2028.
How it is being funded
The first phase of the scheme is valued at £126m.
The scheme is funded from central government sources: Homes England’s Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF), Local Growth Fund, and Housing and Growth Deal, as well as from Section 106 developer contributions.
How to get in touch
We will update this page regularly with our progress. If you have any questions about this project, contact the delivery team by emailing A40corridor@oxfordshire.gov.uk. You can also contact our Highways Enquiries team by calling 0345 310 1111 if you have a concern about something you have seen in the area.
For more information, see the frequently asked questions page.