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Eynsham park and ride

A new park and ride in Eynsham will provide easier access to frequent and reliable bus services into Oxford.

About Eynsham park and ride

The 850-space park and ride, located on the A40 eastbound, will help improve congestion on the A40 and provide regular and reliable public transport services into Oxford.

Users will benefit from 24-hour security, dedicated cycle storage, public toilets and electric vehicle parking bays. The site will be accessible 24 hours a day and is designed for easy use with dedicated access and exit routes.

Improved bus and cycle lanes on the A40 will also make the journey into the city quicker. 

An image showing what the completed site should look like after five years of landscape maturity

Why we are investing here

The proposals to address traffic and transport issues on the section of the A40 between Witney and Oxford will result in better transport links, the creation of new jobs and housing, reduced emissions, and more sustainable travel options. 

The park-and-ride provides an attractive and more sustainable alternative to the car. By significantly improving the reliability, frequency and connectivity of public transport services into Oxford from the west, we’re able to reduce congestion levels, improve air quality and provide improved journeys for those travelling to Oxford for both work and pleasure.

The rationale for a park-and-ride location at Eynsham

The proposed park and ride combines existing bus services to/from Eynsham, Witney and Carterton as well as new services to deliver high-frequency bus services offering direct connections to a range of destinations in and around Oxford.  The location at Eynsham is appropriate as it offers the most cost-effective solution for all.  In comparison, siting the park and ride at Witney would require a greater number of buses to serve the network and would therefore be considerably more expensive to provide the same level of service.

Population from a wide catchment will have access to the facility and private vehicle trips can be intercepted before the most constrained and congested sections of the A40. 

Residents of Eynsham and Cassington will benefit from the service improvements planned once the park and ride and bus lanes are in place and will be able to access A40 services from new bus stops facilities with real-time information.

How the park and ride will contribute to the management of traffic along the A40

The park and ride on weekdays is expected to be used primarily during the morning peak period with modest arrivals and departures throughout the day and empty through the evening peak It is estimated the available capacity is sufficient to attract up to a third of the current total peak vehicle per direction.  This will reduce the current day general traffic volumes east of Eynsham significantly compared with no park-and-ride in place.

In addition to car parking capacity, the park and ride site is planned to operate as a multi-modal hub linking other travel modes with buses.  Cyclists (and increasingly e-bikers), on-demand and community transport service passengers will also use the site to interchange with other modes for onward travel.

Where we are now

An aerial shot of the construction site in July 2024.

Aerial shot of Eynsham park and ride

As of July 2024, construction and landscaping at the site have been completed.

To make the site operational, we are collaborating with Homes England and the Department for Transport (DfT) on a revised scheme for the connection to the A40 and bus lanes. The park and ride is expected to be running by 2027. 

How to get in touch

We will update this page regularly with our progress. If you have any questions about this project, contact the delivery team by emailing A40corridor@oxfordshire.gov.uk. You can also contact our Highways Enquiries team by calling 0345 310 1111 if you have a concern about something you have seen in the area.

Timetable of activity
Activity Target date
Detailed design start (park and ride) July 2021 - Complete
Full business case submission to Department for Transport (DfT) May 2021 - Complete
DfT funding approval  Late 2021 - Complete
Pre-construction works Late 2021 - Complete
Detailed design complete Mid 2022 - Complete
Construction starts - park and ride Autumn 2022 - Complete
Construction ends - park and ride Autumn 2024 - Complete
Park and ride begins operation 2027

How it is being funded

The scheme is funded from a variety of sources:

  • Department for Transport retained Local Growth Fund - £35m
  • Housing Growth Deal - £12m
  • Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership - £3m
  • S106 contributions - £1.5m

The anticipated cost of this programme is £51.275m

This funding contributes to the delivery of the eastbound bus lane within the integrated bus lanes scheme.

More information

When will construction start and end?

Site clearance took place in October 2022 and construction started in January 2023. As of June 2024, major construction work and site-wide landscaping have been completed.

Why did you finish the park and ride ahead of the bus lanes and the connection to the A40?

The park and ride and the A40 improvements programme (including the bus lanes) were on course to be delivered simultaneously until late 2022. At this time, it became clear that cost pressures caused by high inflation affected our ability to deliver the improvement programme within the available budget. To avoid further cost inflation, we chose not to delay the construction of the park and ride, which has a ring-fenced budget separate from the improvements programme. We are now working with Homes England and the Department for Transport (DfT) to deliver a revised A40 improvements, which includes construction of the bus lanes, the connection of the A40 to the park and ride, and active travel measures on the A40 corridor. 

Will there be noise disturbance from the site?

We are anticipating some noisy and vibrating activities throughout the park and ride construction. These will include cutting, excavations, drilling, earthworks and concrete pours. Noisy activities will be restricted to between 8am and 6pm from Monday to Friday, and 8am and 12pm on Saturday. Contractors will inform neighbours of the times, duration, and location of noisy activities.

Will there be disruption caused by site vehicles?

Vehicle movements will be restricted to operational times on site. All parking will be located inside the compound.

Deliveries will also be scheduled for the working times of the site, outside of peak hours and considering the morning and evening rush hours.

How are we making the site safe?

The site will be fenced off with heras temporary fencing. Where there will be access to the road, the site will have hoardings and a vehicle gate.

What are we doing to ensure our works don’t harm the local environment?

The contractors work under the supervision of a professional Ecological Clerk of Works during works that may impact on flora/fauna. For example, together they will review the fencing and biodiversity in a weekly audit of site activities throughout construction.

A qualified ecologist will also be responsible for monitoring the ecological enhancement measures for one-year following completion. Where necessary this will be a licensed bat ecologist, licensed dormouse ecologist and licensed great crested newt ecologist).

All retained hedgerows and trees will be protected using fencing specified in the arboricultural method of works to protect the root zone, trunk, and canopy.