How to pay your fine

Pay a parking, bus lane/gate, zero emission zone or moving traffic Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

You will only have to pay half the charge if you pay within the shorter time shown on your penalty charge notice (PCN) or excess charge notice (ECN). After this time, the full amount is due.

Pay a fine issued in Oxfordshire

This includes PCNs issued through Parking, Bus Lane/gate, Zero Emission Zone and Moving Traffic contraventions.

You will need:

  • the PCN number from your notice
  • your car registration number
  • a valid credit or debit card

You can contact us if you don't know your PCN ticket number.

Pay a fine issued in Oxfordshire

If you are making a payment from abroad, you may not be able to make it online. If you experience problems, you can pay via telephone or post (detailed below).

Pay by telephone

You can pay your parking penalty via a debit or credit card. Phone 0345 337 1138 (option 1).

If you are calling from abroad, please telephone us directly on 0044 1865 895535.

Pay by post

Please do not send cash.

Make your cheque or postal order payable to 'Oxfordshire County Council'. Write the PCN number on the back of the cheque.

Complete the slip on the PCN, attach it to the cheque, and send it to the address given on the notice.

If you are sending your payment from abroad, you must send an international banker's draft, cheques can only be accepted in pound sterling. It should be made payable to OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. Please write the PCN number on the reverse and send it to

Oxfordshire County Council PCN Processing Centre 
PO Box 315 
S98 1AE

Tickets issued elsewhere in the county

If your ticket was issued elsewhere in the county, please follow the instructions on the back of the notice.

What happens if you don't pay a fine

PCN for a parking contravention

You can challenge your ticket if you think it's wrong.

You will not have to pay the PCN if your informal challenge is accepted.

If you do not pay or challenge the fine within 28 days, we will issue a document called a 'Notice to Owner'.

Making a formal challenge (called a 'representation')

The 'Notice to Owner' will explain how to pay or make a representation.  

You have 28 days to pay or make a representation. You will not have to pay the PCN if your challenge is accepted.

We will issue a late penalty ('charge certificate') if you do not pay or appeal. The penalty will increase by 50%.

You have 14 days to pay. After that, we can register the debt with the Traffic Enforcement Centre (TEC). Our TEC is Northampton County Court.

The TEC will issue an 'order for recovery of unpaid penalty charge' (TE7). The TE7 includes a witness statement (TE9). The charge will be the unpaid PCN, plus a £9 debt registration fee.

You have 21 days to either:

  • pay the PCN, plus an £9 registration fee
  • return the completed witness statement

Witness statement

You can only use the witness statement for one of these four reasons:

  • you did not get a notice to owner.
  • you made a formal challenge (representation) but didn't get a rejection notice.
  • you appealed to a parking adjudicator against our decision to reject your representations but received no response to the appeal.
  • you paid the penalty charge in full

Warrant of execution

If you don't pay or complete a witness statement, we can ask the TEC for authority to prepare a warrant of execution.  The warrant authorises a certificated bailiff to seize and sell goods belonging to you to the value of the outstanding amount plus the cost of executing the warrant.

PCN for a Bus Lane/gate, Zero Emission Zone or Moving Traffic contravention

You have 28 days to pay or make a formal challenge (called a 'representation'). We will issue a late penalty ('charge certificate') if you do not pay or challenge. The penalty will increase by 50%.  

You have 14 days to pay. After that, we can register the debt with the Traffic Enforcement Centre (TEC) at Northampton County Court.

The TEC will issue an 'order for recovery of unpaid penalty charge' (TE7). The TE7 includes a witness statement (TE9). The charge will be the unpaid PCN, plus a £9 debt registration fee.

You have 21 days to either:

  • pay the PCN, plus an £9 registration fee
  • return the completed witness statement

Witness statement

You can only use the witness statement for one of these four reasons:

  • you did not get a penalty charge notice.
  • you made a formal challenge (representation) but didn't get a rejection notice.
  • you appealed to a parking adjudicator against our decision to reject your representations but received no response to the appeal.
  • you paid the penalty charge in full

Warrant of execution

If you don't pay or complete a witness statement, we can ask the TEC for authority to prepare a warrant of execution.  The warrant authorises a certificated bailiff to seize and sell goods belonging to you to the value of the outstanding amount plus the cost of executing the warrant.