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Charges for Oxford's zero emission zone (ZEZ)

How to check the charge for your vehicle and pay for driving in the zero emission zone.

Daily charge

Most vehicles will need to pay a daily charge depending on their emissions if used in the pilot area. However, the scheme does not ban any vehicles from being used in the zone.

Charges apply from 7 am to 7 pm, seven days a week, all year round. The daily charge covers the entire day, so a vehicle can enter and be used within the area on multiple occasions each day. Charges don't apply to vehicles that are parked within the zone and do not move.

When and how to pay the charge

You will be able to pay the charges online:

  • up to six days in advance
  • on the day the vehicle is driven in the zone
  • or in the following six days.

Check your vehicle and pay

Daily charges by vehicle band and emissions
Vehicle band Emissions Daily charge from 28 February 2022 Daily charge from August 2025
Zero emission vehicle (ZEV) 0 g/km CO2 £0 £0
Ultra-low emission vehicle (ULEV)

Emits less than 75 g/km CO2.

Any two or three-wheeled vehicle emitting more than 0g/km CO2.
National ultra-low emission truck standard will be adopted for HGVs when defined.

£2 £4
Low emission vehicle (LEV) Vehicles with four or more wheels that meet the Euro 4/IV petrol or Euro 6/VI diesel standard. £4 £8
All other vehicles Any vehicle not meeting any of the above standards. £10 £20