Charges for Oxfordshire History Centre services

List of charges for using Oxfordshire History Centre services.

Self-service copying

Self-service photocopying of archive documents is not allowed. You may be able to submit an order for staff-operated copying; please ask staff for advice on what types of material can be copied. Alternatively, you may purchase a permit to use a digital camera (see the bottom of the table below).

You must respect copyright law when you make copies. Guidance on reasonable limits is displayed by the microform scanner and public computers.

Fees for copying
Type Cost (includes VAT)
Computer printouts
black / white or colour
35p per A4 sheet
70p per A3 sheet
Microform printouts
black / white
A4 or A3
£1 per sheet

Permit for digital copying includes:

  • Downloads from microform scanner 
  • Scans from public photocopier scanner 
  • Use of digital camera/phone to copy archive documents and printed material 
  • Use of digital camera/phone to copy from a microfilm or microfiche reader screen
£9 per day; £25 per multi permit (up to five visits in one calendar month),
USB memory sticks     £8 per 4 - 8GB stick (exact size dependent on availability)

Staff-operated copying

  • please contact us with details of which books, documents, images or other sources you would like us to copy.
  • we will reply with details of the costs involved and an order form for you to sign and return with your payment.
  • a minimum charge of £7 is payable for all remote requests for staff-operated copying. This affects all orders, whether delivered electronically or by post, and includes postage cost.
  • order forms include a copyright declaration which must be signed by all applicants. Material may not be copied if copyright is likely to be infringed.
  • there may be limitations on the types of copy we can provide from certain sources, either for conservation or legal reasons.

Photocopies and printouts

Fees for photocopies and printouts
Type Cost (includes VAT) Comment
black/white or colour
A4 or A3
£1 per sheet Local studies sources only (printed books, pamphlets, periodicals etc)
(careful handling)
black/white or colour
A4 or A3
£2 per sheet All archive documents and any local studies sources requiring extensive or careful handling
Computer printouts
black/white or colour
A4 or A3
£1 per sheet Includes paper copies from pre-existing scans of Oxfordshire wills, Oxfordshire district valuation maps and survey books – charged per sheet, and limited to A4 or A3 size.
Includes paper copies of extracts from pre-existing scans of Oxfordshire tithe maps – charged per sheet, and limited to A4 or A3 size. Whole tithe maps are available as Electronic Files only.
Microform printouts
A4 or A3
£2 per sheet -
Motor vehicle registration copies £17 -
Baptism certificates £17 -
Electoral register certified copies £17 -
Magistrates Court records certified copy £17 -

Electronic files - Picture Oxon and Oral History collections

All Picture Oxon digital images (electronic files in TIF or JPG format) and Oral History audio files (MP3 format) must be ordered online and downloaded at cost from our Heritage Search site. This includes both pre-existing digital images (available for instant download) and bespoke scans created to order (available within ten working days).

Fees for electronic files (Picture Oxon)
Type Cost (includes VAT)  Comment
Electronic file.
(pre-existing image)
Limited to 700 pixels along longest side, compressed JPEG only**
£2 per image Low resolution, limited size
Electronic file.
(pre-existing image)
2,250 pixel compressed JPEG only
£9 per image High-resolution partly-compressed jpeg image file.
Image size is roughly 2,250 pixels along longest side.
Only available where we already hold a digital image in our Picture Oxon collection.
Example – photograph (.jpg format, 524 KB)
Electronic file.
(pre-existing image)
3,200-4,200 pixel uncompressed TIFF / JPEG only
£13 per image High-resolution tiff or jpeg image file with no or minimal compression.
Maximum image length of 4,200 pixels. Only available where we already hold a digital image in our Picture Oxon collection.
Example – photograph (tiff format, 20.5 MB) (warning large file)
Electronic file.
(pre-existing image of large format map)
7,000-10,000 pixel uncompressed TIFF**
£17 per image

High-resolution tiff image file with no or minimal compression.
Only available where we already hold a digital image of a large format map in our Picture Oxon collection.

We are unable to provide bespoke image scans, created to order, from large format material such as maps).

Electronic file (created to order)
2,250 pixel compressed JPEG only
£13 per image High-resolution partly-compressed JPEG image file. Image size is roughly 2,250 pixels along longest side. Created to order. (No existing digital image available in our Picture Oxon collection).
Electronic file.
(created to order)
Any high-res TIFF or JPEG file
£17 per image High-resolution uncompressed image file. Can be supplied as TIFF or JPEG. Image size is at least 3,200 pixels along longest side. Created to order. (No existing digital image available in our Picture Oxon collection).
Oral history fees
Type Cost (includes VAT)  Comment
Oral history audio files £5 Per 1 or more mp3 files associated with a single catalogue record. Audio files are only supplied in mp3 format and must be ordered online and downloaded at cost from

Digital prints and electronic files – other collections

Please check the delivery section below for details of the costs of supplying electronic files.

Fees for digital prints and electronic files (other collections)
Type Cost (includes VAT) Comment
Plain paper digital prints
(created to order)
black / white or colour
4 or A3
£13 Printed on plain paper.
Bespoke photographed copies of archive and local studies sources.
Electronic file (created to order)
£13 per image High-resolution JPEG image file. Bespoke scanned or photographed copies of archive and local studies sources.
Electronic file
Automated scans
Archive, careful handling and microform sources
£2 per sheet copied

Image file supplied in compressed PDF or JPG format. There may be one or more sheets per electronic file supplied, and a charge is made per sheet.

  • copies of archive and careful handling sources scanned via photocopier or overhead scanner
  • copies of microfilm and microfiche sources (via microform scanner)

Not available from:

  • photographs in our Picture Oxon images collection
  • online or cloud storage sources.

Examples to download:
Copy of a will (colour 300 dpi) (pdf format, 282 Kb)
Copy of a parish register whole page (colour) (pdf format 269 Kb)
Copy of a parish register single entry (colour ) (pdf format 222 Kb)

Electronic file
Automated scans
Digital or Local Studies printed sources
£1 per sheet copied

Image file supplied in compressed PDF format. There may be one or more sheets per electronic file supplied, and a charge is made per sheet.

  • copies of Local Studies sources scanned via photocopier only
  • PDF images from pre-existing scans of Oxfordshire wills. (Note that online access to wills is available through the Find My Past subscription website.) 
  • PDF images from pre-existing scans of Oxfordshire parish registers. (Note that online access to parish registers is available through the Ancestry subscription website.) 
  • PDF images of extracts from pre-existing scans of Oxfordshire tithe maps. Suitable for site extracts only; whole tithe maps are only available as high-resolution electronic files.

Not available from:

  • photographs in our Picture Oxon images collection
  • archives collections
  • microform sources
  • any Oxfordshire Family History Society data.
  • Local Studies printed items larger than A3 size, or unfit for copying via photocopier or overhead scanner

Examples to download:


Copy of printed text (black / white 300 dpi) (pdf format, 169 Kb)

Copy from a newspaper microfilm (black / white 400 dpi) (pdf format, 1.7 MB)

Electronic file
Tithe maps
£17 per map image High-resolution JPEG image file. Tithe maps for some parishes may be covered by more than one map image. Please ask for details.
Fees for delivery of electronic files
Type Cost (includes VAT) Comment
Email Free Available for Electronic files (low resolution) only.
Max file size of 3 MB for transmission by email.
Online file share Free Staff will supply a link from which customers can download their files

Postage and packing

Postage and packing charges for all staff-operated copies are listed below. Copies may be collected personally from Oxfordshire History Centre during opening hours, or they can be posted at the following standard rates. International orders are sent by airmail.

Fees for postage and packing
Type Cost (includes VAT) Comment
Copies supplied to UK  £4 A4 flat
A3 rolled or folded
Copies supplied air mail £8 A4 flat
A3 rolled or folded


Fees for research
Type Cost (includes VAT) Comment
private users
£46 per hour Minimum – half hour - £23
Maximum – 2 hours - £92
business users
£80 per hour Minimum – half hour - £40
Maximum – 2 hours - £160


Images and files (copies of out-of-copyright works) supplied by Oxfordshire History Centre may be reproduced freely. Still, we ask that you acknowledge Oxfordshire History Centre as the source, citing the appropriate catalogue reference.

Images and files (copies taken from copyright works) supplied by Oxfordshire History Centre may only be used for non-commercial or private study research.

Contact us if you need advice on whether a copy has been taken from a copyright or out-of-copyright work.

If you want to use an image of a copyrighted work for any other purpose, you must obtain written permission from Oxfordshire History Centre - this might include an exhibition, publication in a book or leaflet, or display on a website.

If you would like us to consider an application to reproduce an image, please contact us.

The following reproduction fees may be payable in addition to any copying or research charges.

Fees for reproduction
Category of user Type of reproduction Fee per image used Comment
Local individuals organisations
and partners
Publication or website £10 (8.33 ex VAT) Per use of 1-5 images
Local individuals organisations
and partners
Publication or website £20 (16.66 ex VAT) Per use of 6 or more images
Academic Publication or website £15 (£12.50 ex VAT)  Per use of 1-5 images
Academic Publication or website £30 (£25.00 ex VAT) Per use of 6 or more images
Commercial Publication or website £30 (£25.00 ex VAT) Per use of 1-5 images
Commercial Publication or website £60 (£50 ex VAT) Per use of 6 or more images
Media - broadcast All platforms, regions or countries £120 (£100 ex VAT) Per image used, 0-5 years
Media - broadcast All platforms, regions or countries £200 (£166.67 ex VAT) Per image used, in perpetuity
Media - location fee Filming, per hour on-site at Oxfordshire History Centre £84 (VAT exempt) Film or TV companies filming at OHC. Location fee is chargeable in addition to broadcast fees and research fees, where applicable.

Category key

  • commercial category – includes commercial enterprises, national charities, government bodies.
  • local charitable category – includes societies clubs, churches, etc.; also private individuals who are self-publishing.

Publication types

Includes books, pamphlets, leaflets, periodicals, newspapers, exhibitions, presentation, internal reports, website, interior decoration, advertising matter or souvenirs.



Card payments are preferred, but cash and cheques are also accepted

Electronic (Audio files and Picture Oxon images only)

You can pay online via Picture Oxon for either pre-existing digital images or bespoke image scans listed in the Picture Oxon catalogue. You can make electronic payment online via Heritage Search for Oral History audio files. Payment is made at the same time as your online order.

Electronic (other services or media)

  • you can make an electronic payment to cover the cost of Research, Copies from Archive or Local Studies sources, or Image reproduction fees
  • you can make an electronic payment from a UK bank or building society using the Faster Payments Service, via internet, mobile or telephone banking, or at a bank branch
  • you can make an electronic payment from overseas using the SWIFT service, but you should check with your bank whether extra fees apply
  • please let us know if you would like to make an electronic payment, so that we can provide you with a payment reference to quote

We cannot supply goods and services until we have received payment.

By post

By sending a cheque made payable to 'Oxfordshire County Council', quoting our letter or order reference.

On invoice

Payment on invoice raised by Oxfordshire County Council. The minimum invoice amount is £36.