Suspecting domestic abuse
If there is an urgent concern for either an adult or child call 999 or 101.
Domestic abuse is defined as being any single incident, or pattern of abusive behaviour between people aged 16 or over who are personally connected to each other, regardless of gender or sexuality.
Children who see, hear or experience the effects of the abuse and are related to either of these people are also considered victims of domestic abuse.
Help and support
If you have concerns about someone you are supporting, either professionally or in a voluntary role, there is help available.
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service (ODAS) advice line
If you or the person you are supporting would like to speak to someone, call the Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service (ODAS) advice line on 0800 731 0055 (Monday - Friday, 10am - 7pm). The freephone number will not show on their telephone bill but may appear on an itemised mobile phone bill.
ODAS will offer advice on next steps with:
- accessing other specialist services, e.g. police, housing, social care, legal services, support for children and young people.
- Identify emergency accommodation if it is needed.
- signposting to other organisations including trauma counselling and specialist support.
24-hour support
The national domestic abuse helpline is 0808 200 0247 is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Immediate response from children's social care
If an immediate response from children’s social care is necessary, call 0345 050 7666. The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) enables the sharing of information between services so risks to children can be identified at an early stage.
Raising a concern online
- professionals working with adults can raise a concern online.
- member of the public, can report a concern about someone affected by domestic abuse.
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