Oxfordshire’s Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS)

Working together for the recovery of Oxfordshire’s natural environment.

Our local nature recovery strategy

Oxfordshire’s natural landscape is important, and we must protect it to secure its future. 

Our local nature recovery strategy will allow us to develop a shared ambition to recover nature across Oxfordshire. 

A coordinated strategy for nature's recovery can help wildlife to flourish, improve the quality of our air and water, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. 

It's part of a new series of strategies that cover the whole of England, helping deliver on the 2021 Environment Act.  We will be publishing the documents associated with this project on this page. 

Find out more about a local nature recovery strategy on GOV.UK. 

Our ambition for Oxfordshire

We're leading for the county and bringing people and organisations interested in and caring about our wonderful habitats and species. 

The strategy will create a written list and a map to highlight areas of land that are particularly important for biodiversity. This decision-making will be influenced by the priorities collected from people across our county. The priorities will be linked to potential actions people across Oxfordshire can take in those areas. 

Defra’s video helps explain what a difference this work can make..

Get involved and have your say

'Please look at the details below to hear about any opportunities to get involved and have your say on the LNRS for Oxfordshire

Phase 1

'This was our first information-gathering phase to hear your input, ambitions and priorities for nature's recovery in Oxfordshire. We held 12 workshops, two engagement events with parish councillors and one online survey for 40 days. 

This began the first phase of our engagement process with input from 1,038 people between the 20 February and the 31 March 2024. 

The data will now be analysed and a summary will be shared with you in May.

Phase 2

We held an online webinar on 8 May to present a summary of the results from our workshops and survey, and to explain the process we intend to use for creating a map of the county for Summer 2024. Over 100 of you joined us. 

We also launched our mapping tool on Let’s talk Oxfordshire on 9 May, so you could tell us about habitat projects. This included: actions that you may have taken, are planning to take, or to tell us about land where you’re willing to support habitat creation, restoration, or improvement works but haven’t yet got plans. 

We also advised that if you already have digital maps data files/shape files that show where you have/want to take actions, you didn’t need to use the map, and could instead share these directly with us by email. We received about 15 emails and over 170 locations added to the map tool. 

Watch the webinar

Phase 3

Oxfordshire's draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy is now live for you to view and comment on. This includes documents that list biodiversity priorities to achieve in the county, a list of species to focus recovery efforts on, and a map tool which shows the areas where the LNRS is recommending that local people and organisations focus their resources to undertake habitat creation and improvement work. 

The documents and map will be available online from Friday 18 October until Sunday the 1 December 2024 (23:59pm). During this time, you can view the drafted documents and tell us about anything that you think we need to change before we finalise the strategy in 2025.

View the draft LNRS

Phase 4 (Spring 2025)

We will communicate the project's conclusion and the important actions that can be taken for nature recovery. 

Sign up

To receive updates from the Local Nature Recovery Strategy subscribe to our mailing list

How to help nature now

Remember that the LNRS is one tool of many that we can use to achieve nature’s recovery. The LNRS aims to complement existing work, not to replace or duplicate it. The LNRS’s aim is to help focus resources and effort towards shared goals for improving biodiversity in Oxfordshire. There are other things that you can do too with people and organisations who are creating space for nature in Oxfordshire now!

We can achieve nature recovery if we all work together

There are many things you can do right now to make a difference, whether you are an individual, a community group, a parish or town council, a business, a farmer, a landowner or a land-manager. Here are some ideas and where you can find more information from groups like Wild Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire’s local Wildlife Trust BBOWT, Community Action Groups Oxfordshire, and more. 

For individuals

For individuals

For community groups and parish/town councils

For community groups and parish/town councils

For businesses, farmers, landowners and land-managers

For businesses, farmers, landowners and land-managers

  • Manage your land in a way that supports and enhances biodiversity, such as creating or restoring habitats, implementing wildlife-friendly farming practices, or joining agri-environment schemes. You can find guidance and funding opportunities for land management through farm cluster groups. Similarly, the NFU, and the CLA each host regular events about nature recovery on farms (as well as various other topics) and provide an advice service to their members.
  • To create freshwater habitats like ponds or wetlands, this charity offers support and resources to landowners.
  • Implement nature-based solutions that use nature to provide wider environmental or societal benefits, such as reducing flood risk, improving water quality, storing carbon, or enhancing well-being. There are existing groups who focus on supporting projects that help contribute towards river health and the improved quality of land around the rivers (catchments). You can find partnerships close to you here and you can join catchment partnerships in Oxfordshire that for the Ock, Evenlode, Cherwell and Ray, Windrush, Thame, and the South Chilterns.
  • Measure and report on your environmental impact and performance, and set targets and actions to reduce your carbon footprint, water use, waste, and pollution. You can find tools and resources to help you measure and improve your environmental impact

Funding and resource is key to help make this change

The LNRS and partners understand that a lot of these actions need to be financially supported. There are various government initiatives and schemes but funding can come from a variety of sources. For example, Oxfordshire’s Local Nature Partnership (OLNP) are continuing to deliver work on finance in Oxfordshire to develop and align funding that could work with the LNRS. Alongside this Oxfordshire has a major funder of nature recovery work, the Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment (TOE) where you can apply for grants. The Wild Oxfordshire monthly email Bulletin also has information on funding for community groups and parish/town councils, you can sign up at the bottom of the Wild Oxfordshre webpage. this. Check on a funding database for Oxfordshire that is kept up to date by Community Action Groups Oxfordshire,

Contact us 

If you’d like to get in touch with Oxfordshire’s LNRS team, please email:  localnaturerecoverystrategy@oxfordshire.gov.uk


During the preparation and development of this local nature recovery strategy (LNRS), a large volume of information and documentation has been produced. Different people and organisations will be interested in different parts of this so below, we have listed where you can find useful documents and information if you would like to dive further into the preparation of the strategy.