Enabling a net-zero county

How we plan to enable a net-zero Oxfordshire well ahead of 2050.

The climate emergency is the biggest challenge the planet faces, and we are committed to not only reaching our own net-zero target as a council by 2030 but to enabling Oxfordshire to be carbon neutral well ahead of 2050.

Our 2022/23 report (pdf format, 338 KB)  updates and summary highlights (pdf format, 566 KB) on the work being carried out on Climate Action across the council.

The impacts of climate change are already being felt not only on a global scale but here in Oxfordshire. We need to act collectively and at pace, if we are to give ourselves the best chance of avoiding the potentially catastrophic consequences.

The benefits of climate-related action are many, there are opportunities to improve our health and well-being; support innovation and create green jobs; and invest in a more diverse and resilient natural landscape that will help sustain us. To realise these benefits, and play our part in the wider global effort, we need everyone on board - businesses, households, community groups and schools - working together across Oxfordshire. This way, we can achieve more than our individual efforts alone.

Oxfordshire is home to world-class academia, engaged communities and a thriving low-carbon economy.

We are committed to enabling a net-zero Oxfordshire well ahead of 2050. We believe that Oxfordshire is well-placed to lead the low-carbon transition nationally. Oxfordshire’s world-leading low-carbon tech companies to have the potential to deliver low-carbon solutions on a global scale. This video ‘The Billion Tonne Drop’ explains how Oxfordshire is leading the global charge to address climate change.

In 2021, with partners, we commissioned the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford to produce a detailed evidence base and transition plan for net zero in Oxfordshire.  The Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire report sets out the investment required to meet net zero across all sectors.

We are a signatory of the Race to Zero a UN backed global campaign that brings together individuals, businesses, public sector organisations active in the net zero field to scale up ambition and accelerate action on climate change.

Leading the way



Waste, resources and food

Partnership working

  • We support the Community Action Group (CAG) Project, a network of over 100 Oxfordshire groups and social enterprises at the forefront of community led climate change action. 
  • We are an active member of Zero Carbon Oxford committed to working together to build a prosperous, sustainable city in which we all can share

Evidence base

What you can do

We have developed a Climate Action Oxfordshire website offering practical advice for residents wanting to reduce their carbon footprint and save energy. The website lists measures people can take and rates them according to the effort, impact, and cost. This one-stop shop has sections aimed at individuals, communities, and organisations, including businesses, and advice on transport, lifestyle, shopping, home and biodiversity matters.