Local Transport and Connectivity Plan
Information about the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP) strategy including summaries.
On this page
About the LTCP
Our Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (pdf format, 4.7MB) was adopted by full council in July 2022. The LTCP is our statutory Local Transport Plan, required under the Transport Act 2000.
The LTCP is our fifth local transport plan and replaces the previous local transport plan (LTP4) which was adopted in 2015.
We have called it the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan to better reflect our strategy both for digital infrastructure and for connecting the whole county. The LTCP covers the time period to 2050.
Vision and aims
The LTCP outlines a clear vision to deliver a net-zero Oxfordshire transport and travel system that enables the county to thrive while protecting the environment and making Oxfordshire a better place to live for all residents.
In order to track the delivery of the vision, the LTCP includes a set of headline targets.
These include targets to:
- reduce 1 in 4 current car trips by 2030
- deliver a net-zero transport network by 2040
- and have zero, or as close as possible, road fatalities or life-changing injuries by 2050.
How we will achieve this
We plan to achieve this by:
- reducing the need to travel
- discouraging individual private vehicle journeys
- and making walking, cycling, public and shared transport the natural first choice.
The LTCP vision and policies will be used to influence and inform how we manage transport and the types of schemes we implement.
We are now working to implement the policies in the LTCP and develop the part 2 supporting strategies.
Supporting strategies
We have developed three initial supporting strategies for freight and logistics, active travel and innovation. These build upon the high-level policies in the LTCP but provide more detail about our proposals and how they will be delivered.
Work is now commencing on developing the remaining supporting strategies including area and corridor travel plans and public transport.
Active Travel Strategy
The Active Travel Strategy focuses on active travel modes (walking, wheeling and cycling), which are key to delivering the LTCP and the County Council’s plans for the next 10 years.
Mobility hub strategy
The Mobility Hub Strategy - July 2023 (pdf format, 2.5Mb) focuses on transport interchanges across the county to improve the way we travel and to better integrate different transport modes. We are developing proposals for future locations for mobility hubs as part of the development of Area Travel Plans across the county.
Freight and logistics strategy
The Freight and Logistics Strategy (pdf format, 2.1Mb) addresses some of the challenges associated with the movement of goods in Oxfordshire and sets out the actions required to deliver appropriate, efficient, clean and safe movement. It builds on the high-level freight policies in the LTCP.
Innovation Framework
The Innovation Framework (pdf format, 3.2Mb) sets out guidance for how to consider innovation within planning and development. The Innovation Framework sets out a series of principles which should be applied to the integration of innovation into new development and infrastructure so that innovation is used to further policies and strategies such as those within this LTCP.
Part 2 supporting plans
The LTCP will also be supported by area and corridor travel plans, bus strategy, rail strategy, and digital infrastructure strategy. These are being produced as a ‘part 2’ of the LTCP. The digital infrastructure strategy was updated in summer 2022 . Timescales are yet to be confirmed for the bus strategy and, rail strategy.
LTCP Monitoring Report
In order to demonstrate progress on delivering the LTCP, progress made against the headline targets and performance against the key performance indicators (KPI), we committed to publishing annual monitoring reports. Our first annual monitoring report (pdf format, 1.3 MB) was approved by cabinet for publication in October 2023, and our second annual monitoring report (pdf format, 1.7 MB) was approved by cabinet for publication in November 2024.
Sustainable School Travel Strategy 2024/25
This strategy (pdf format, 308 KB) details the proposals for promoting and supporting sustainable travel options for school and college journeys.
Frequently asked questions
How was the LTCP developed?
The LTCP was developed and consulted in three stages. Consultation reports have been published and are available for both the vision document consultation (pdf format, 538Kb) and LTCP consultation (pdf format, 1.4Mb).
What baseline evidence was used to support the LTCP?
The LTCP is supported by a baseline evidence report (pdf format, 2.5Mb) and an Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (pdf format, 10Mb). The Integrated Sustainability Appraisal was conducted by specialist consultants AECOM.