Bicester Children and Family Centre
Information and directions of how to find and get to the Bicester Children and Family Centre
Children and Family Centres provide support and advice to children and families who need extra help – with a special emphasis on supporting the whole family.
Staff based at the Children and Family Centres work closely with partner agencies to give help and advice to families.
The Family Solutions Service includes Family Solutions Plus (statutory service) and Early Help services (non-statutory service). These services provide family work and targeted interventions to support children and their families.
The Service is based in two area offices and the Children and Family Centres. Services are delivered flexibly from various locations according to individual need.
Each Centre also has an Education, Employment and Training (EET) worker (supporting access to education and training) and other services, including specialist substance misuse support for young people from Cranstoun Here4YOUth
Monday | 8.30am - 5pm |
Tuesday | 8.30am - 5pm |
Wednesday | 8.30am - 5pm |
Thursday | 8.30am - 5pm |
Friday | 8.30am - 4pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |