Education, Employment and Training (EET) Service

Find out more about the Education, Employment and Training (EET) Service.

The Education, Employment and Training (EET) Service provides statutory EET support for young people, access to information, activities and opportunities and promotes safer use of social media.

Key responsibilities

The EET Service has three key responsibilities.


Tracking all young people from the age of 16 years old after they have left school, until the September after their 18th birthday.

The EET service provides learning and employment opportunities to the OXME website where it:


One-to-one casework support for young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) or at risk of NEET to support them into

  • further education
  • apprenticeships
  • employment
  • other training

Referrals for one-to-one casework can come from our tracking and support calls, other internal services, external services and organisations. Young people and their parents/carers may also self-refer directly via the website or contact us via our enquiry form

EET also attends career and job fairs where appropriate, and has pop-up EET sessions where young people can drop in.  Pop-up sessions and areas where they are operated are highlighted on


Digital Safeguarding provides the OXME website with content appropriate for young people. Supporting colleagues in their work-related use of social media, delivering e-safety information, training and advice. It also links the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board and the Practitioners Toolkit to support all those working with families to access appropriate materials and resources.