Early Years SEND toolkit - Sensory and physical needs

Strategies and resources that are useful for children with hearing, visual and/or physical needs.

Hearing needs

The Deaf and Hearing Support Team is part of the countywide Special Educational Needs (SEN) teaching and advisory support service (SENSS). They work in partnership to secure good outcomes and a positive future for children and young people with hearing loss.

Assessment, planning, and recording templates

Early support materials are designed to help families and practitioners observe and record a child’s development and progress. For example, in Oxfordshire, we use:


Visual needs

The Visual Impairment team is part of SENSS, a countywide Special Educational Needs (SEN) teaching and advisory support service. We work in partnership to secure good outcomes and a positive future for children and young people with visual impairment.

Assessment, planning and recording template


Support groups

Multi-sensory impairment

The Multi-Sensory Impairment Team is part of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) teaching and advisory support service (SENSS). They work in partnership to secure good outcomes and a positive future for children and young people with multi-sensory impairment.

Physical needs

Fine Motor - (small muscles in hands and fingers)

Gross Motor (large muscles in the arms, legs and torso)


Activities to support visual motor skills


You can find additional information on the Oxford Health website.

Sensory Processing activities and strategies