Early Years SEND toolkit - cognition and learning
Activities, strategies and resources for children with learning needs.
Assessment, planning and recording templates
Early support developmental journals are designed to help families and practitioners observe and record a child’s development and progress. These include:
- The Oxfordshire Developmental Journal (ODJ) (docx format, 411Kb) will support settings and nursery classes in Oxfordshire to better understand, appreciate, and celebrate children’s attainment and plan for their future learning as part of the graduated response to meeting the needs of Early Years children with SEND.
- The developmental journal for children and young people with multiple needs
- The developmental journal for babies and children with Down syndrome
Activities and strategies
Children with learning needs often have difficulties in developing skills in more than one area. These activities and strategies cover a range of early skills and concept development.
- Talking together (pdf format, 106Kb)
- Allowing the child to take the lead (pdf format, 42Kb)
- Descriptive commentary (pdf format, 32Kb)
- Taking turns (pdf format, 38Kb)
- Copy box (pdf format, 167Kb)
- Matching and sorting (pdf format, 170Kb)
- Ideas for developing auditory memory skills (pdf format, 144Kb)
- Using a visual timetable (pdf format, 162Kb)
- Developing visual perceptual skills (pdf format, 152Kb)
- Visual perceptual skills: What they are and how to help (pdf format, 155Kb)
Early Support produces a variety of information resources covering a wide range of different conditions, disabilities and difficulties, developed in response to feedback from families.