How to recycle plastic

Find out what plastic can be recycled at home and at a recycling centre.

The different types of plastics

The plastics industry uses seven different Resin Identification Codes to identify the common types of plastic. Plastics that can be recycled are generally from:

  • type 1 (PET)
  • type 2 (HDPE)
  • type 4 (LDPE)
  • type 5 (PP)

Some items, such as some yoghurt pots made from type 6 (PS), are also accepted in recycling collections. 

How plastic is made

Plastics may be made:

  • using carbon produced from oil
  • with recycled existing plastic products 

Bio-based plastics are produced from natural sources such as:

  • sugar cane
  • corn
  • potatoes
  • grains
  • vegetable oils

Bio-based plastics usually have a lower carbon footprint in their production than plastic from fossil fuels.

Difficulties with some plastics

Not all products from an individual resin type are accepted. For example, rigid type 4 (LDPE) can be easily collected, sorted and recycled from mixed kerbside collections. However, films made from the same type of plastic are difficult to sort and recycle and are often contaminated by the items they are packaging.

We cannot yet recycle expanded polystyrene, such as polystyrene takeaway boxes.

Biodegradable or compostable plastic

Biodegradable plastic is designed to break down more quickly than traditional plastics, but it still harms the environment if littered. It can't currently be collected for recycling, so please put it into your rubbish bin.

Compostable plastics are designed to fully decompose in composting conditions. You can use compostable bags to line your food caddy. However, we do not have any facilities able to process compostable plastics such as coffee cups or trays. 

Products labelled as home compostable can be placed in your home compost bin. If you do not have a home compost bin, place this packaging in your rubbish bin.

Learn more about the types of plastic

WRAP's Clear on Plastic website provides more information about the types of plastic and their uses.

Plastic that can be recycled

In your recycling collection and at a recycling centre

  • all bottles and tops, including drinks bottles, shampoo bottles and bleach bottles
  • food and toiletry pots, including yogurt pots, hummus pots and moisturiser pots
  • tubs and trays, including butter tubs, ready meal trays and medicine tubs

At recycling centre only

  • large plastic garden toys (slides etc)
  • buckets, bowls and baskets 
  • garden furniture 
  • wheelie bins, recycling boxes, food caddies 
  • storage boxes and crates
  • water butts 

Plastic that cannot be recycled

The following plastic cannot be recycled in your recycling collection or at a recycling centre:

  • crisp packets
  • chocolate wrappers
  • salad bags
  • film lids
  • CD and DVD cases
  • fruit netting
  • polystyrene
  • disposable razors
  • coffee machine pods
  • pet food pouches 
  • hard plastic pots such as flower pots
  • baby wipes, face wipes and their packaging

Manufacturer-provided recycling

The plastics below can be recycled at public donation points provided by the manufacturer. Visit Terracycle for details.

  • crisp packets
  • chocolate wrapper
  • coffee machine pods
  • pet food pouches

Plastic film

Although plastic films aren't accepted in all areas, some plastic films can be accepted along with carrier bags at large supermarkets. Check the label on the packaging for specific information.

Black plastic cannot be recycled in your blue bin if you live in the Cherwell District Council area.

How to identify plastic for recycling

Use our waste wizard search to find out if the plastic items you have can be recycled.

We provide plastic recycling information by product rather than by resin identification code. Not all plastics have the code, and not all items made from each type of plastic can be sorted and recycled. 

You can also use the waste wizard search to find out what your district council will collect. There is some variation across districts.

Recycling labels on packaging

Packaging labels and recycling symbols can provide information about what the item is made of and how to recycle it. Visit the Recycle Now website to learn what these labels mean.

Reducing your plastic use

  • say no to single-use straws (as they can come in a plastic sleeve) and instead carry your own bamboo or metal ones
  • remember to take your shopping bags with you
  • take a reusable coffee cup if you have one on the go
  • find your nearest refill station to fill up your water bottle
  • take your lunch to work in reusable containers
  • use cloth nappies instead of disposables on your baby
  • try shampoo bars or soap instead of bottled cosmetics

Part of Oxfordshire Recycles

This information is from Oxfordshire Recycles, a partnership of Oxfordshire’s county and district councils working together to reduce waste.