Community action groups
Details on taking part in, or setting up, a community action group in Oxfordshire.
On this page
What is a Community action group?
Community Action Groups (CAG) Oxfordshire consists of over 100 groups across Oxfordshire who are at the forefront of community-led climate change action, organising events and projects to take action on issues including waste, transport, food, energy, biodiversity and social justice.
Started in 2001, the network is the largest of its kind in the UK, running over 4,000 events per year, attended by around 80,000 local residents and contributing over 50,000 volunteer hours to the county.
The CAG Project team provide free day-to-day support to the network members including:
- advice, expertise and mentoring to set up and maintain groups and develop projects, events and activities
- support to source insurance cover for network activities
- access to CAG funding for special projects
- help sourcing external funds for larger projects
- press, media and communications
- training, events and skill sharing
- signposting to other organisations and bodies for advice and partnership building
- working with local and national government
- access to a large bank of materials and resources
The project is funded by Oxfordshire County Council.
Learn more about CAG Oxfordshire
- Visit the CAG Oxfordshire website
- Like CAG Oxfordshire on Facebook
- Follow CAG Oxfordshire on Twitter
CAG Grant 2023-2026
From 2023-2026 OCC is funding the Community Action Groups through a grant, aiming to increase the amount of environmental protection activity occurring in the county.
The grant will continue to support CAGs through sharing of learning and best practice, enabling joint events and funding bids, and providing tools to enable messages and events to have a greater impact
As well as continuing to support existing good work, the grant will also enable increased focus on four areas:
- Community Wealth Building – supporting locally led, environmental initiatives within grassroots community organisations led by marginalised communities building on the Owned by Oxford project
- The Circular Economy – developing, piloting and scaling circular economy initiatives, including libraries of things
- Connecting people with nature - supporting opportunities for communities experiencing health inequalities in Oxfordshire to connect with the outdoors, green spaces, and nature
- Replenish – encouraging food waste reduction and home composting.