Bus service tenders and operators websites
Taking the bus where you can, could save you money.
Why travel by bus?
Fresh data collated by Stagecoach and Oxford Bus Company has revealed the savings which can be made before factoring in paying to park:
- A return journey between Witney and Oxford via Stagecoach S1 five days a week achieves an annual saving of up to £2,230.30 compared to using a private vehicle.
- A return journey between Abingdon and John Radcliffe Hospital via Oxford Bus Company’s X3 service saves up to £2,318.23 per year compared to using a private vehicle.
The cost savings were calculated based on an average car and includes basic essential car costs but do not include parking costs as they are so variable.
A package of improvements, part of an enhanced partnership, includes new traffic filters in Oxford, bus lanes in Banbury, rural bus pilots and new cross-boundary services – as well as a reduction in youth fares. Find out more about the enhanced partnership.
Margaret Simpson from Cumnor: “Currently it isn’t economical to travel into Oxford by car. Bus services are regular and help reduce congestion and pollution. I do drive a car but I’m increasingly using buses to travel.”
To explore the options to travel by bus visit:
External links to bus operators
The following operators have more information about service changes on their websites:
- Arriva – https://www.arrivabus.co.uk/
- Carousel Buses – https://www.carouselbuses.co.uk/
- Courtney Buses - https://www.courtneybuses.com/services
- Faringdon Community Bus - http://www.faringdoncommunitybus.co.uk/
- First and last mile - https://www.firstandlastmile.org.uk/
- Going Forward Buses – https://www.goingforwardbuses.com/
- Grayline - https://grayline.co.uk/route_E1.html
- Our Bus Bartons - https://ourbusbartons-org-uk.stackstaging.com/
- Oxford Bus Company – https://city.oxfordbus.co.uk/
- Pulhams Coaches - https://www.pulhamscoaches.com/
- Reading Buses – https://www.reading-buses.co.uk/
- Redline Buses – https://www.redlinebuses.com/
- Red Rose Travel - https://www.redrosetravel.com/index.php?route=extension/module/journey_planner/routes
- Stagecoach East (X5 service) - https://www.stagecoachbus.com/
- Stagecoach Oxfordshire - https://www.stagecoachbus.com/about/oxfordshire
- Thames Travel - https://www.thames-travel.co.uk/
- The Villager - http://www.villagerbus.co.uk/
- West Oxfordshire Community Transport – https://www.woct.org.uk/
- Whites Coaches - http://www.whitescoaches.com/about_us.htm
- Z&S Transport – https://www.zandstransport.co.uk/
Bus tender results
Details of the bus service tenders undertaken by us in 2020 and 2021.