Expert assessment form
How to complete the expert assessment form for use as evidence in a Blue Badge application.
On this page
The expert assessment form is only for use with applications made under the 'non-visible (hidden) disability' criterion.
Why you have been sent an expert assessment form
The expert assessment form may be given to you as a health or social care professional by a Blue Badge applicant who requires evidence of their condition or disability to support their application under the 'non-visible (hidden) disability criterion.
Your insights into the individual’s experience of any disabilities or conditions they have been diagnosed with, or which are in the process of being diagnosed, will help the Oxfordshire County Council to determine their eligibility to receive a Blue Badge.
Before you start
To complete the assessment, you will need the following information.
- The applicant's name, date of birth and address
- Details of your own professional qualifications e.g. GMC or HCPC registrations
How to provide the applicant with the completed assessment
Once you have completed and sent the online application, you will be provided with a reference number and a link to download your completed assessment as a PDF document.
- Download and save it to your computer (via the link provided)
- Give a copy to the applicant to use with their Blue Badge application
- Keep a copy for your records.
Do not close the browser window until the PDF has been downloaded. You will not be able to access the link later.
Complete the online expert assessment form
If you are unable to complete the form online, you can download and print the paper expert assessment form (pdf format). Once you have filled it in, return it to the applicant.
About the Blue Badge Scheme
The Blue Badge (disabled persons) parking scheme is a national scheme – administered by local authorities – that allows disabled people in England to maintain their independence by enabling them to park as close as possible to their destination.
Eligibility for a Blue Badge
A badge can be awarded to any individual who has an enduring and substantial disability which causes them to:
- be unable to walk;
- experience very considerable difficulty whilst walking, which may include very considerable psychological distress, and / or;
- be at risk of serious harm when walking; or pose, when walking, a risk of serious harm to any other person.
What we mean by enduring and substantial
The term ‘enduring and substantial’ is defined as any disability or condition that is not expected to improve within the next three years (the life of a Blue Badge) to an extent that would mean the individual no longer qualifies as based on the criteria above.
When considering an individual’s eligibility for a Blue Badge, local authorities in England holistically consider the impact that both physical and ‘non-physical’ disabilities have upon an individual when they are walking during the course of a journey.