Religious education

How religious education (RE) is set in schools.

Religious education (RE) is not part of the National Curriculum but is legally required to be taught in schools.

Oxfordshire SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) advises us on RE and collective worship. A SACRE can also consider school requests to lift the legal requirement to hold an act of collective worship of a broadly Christian character.

Agreed syllabus for religious education

The syllabus for RE has to be produced locally and is known as the 'local agreed syllabus'.

This is drawn up by an Agreed Syllabus Conference (ASC), which has a similar membership to the SACRE.

This document is the property of Oxfordshire County Council and is protected by copyright. The syllabus must not be reproduced in any other format.

Oxfordshire's SACRE

Oxfordshire's SACRE is required by law to have four representative groups:

  • Christian denominations (other than the Church of England) and representatives of other faiths
  • The Church of England
  • Teacher associations
  • County councillors.

Other groups can be considered for co-option or may attend as observers.

For more information, please email the Oxfordshire RE Advisor

Meeting minutes

The SACRE meets three times a year at County Hall, Oxford. Here are the minutes for:

Oxfordshire SACRE publishes REFocus newsletter for RE teachers

Oxfordshire SACRE also publishes an annual report covering the previous academic year

Faith community contact details for schools