Mental Health Act assessment
Information about the Aproved Mental Health Service and asseessments
Who can request a Mental Health Act assessment?
Various professionals can request a Mental Health Act assessment. For example, a psychiatrist, GP, care co-ordinator, social worker, nurse, or a police officer.
A ‘Nearest Relative’ can also ask the AMHP service to consider a referral. (Under Section 13(4) of the Mental Health Act). Please note that a Nearest Relative is defined by S26 of the Mental Health Act 1983, and is not necessarily the same person as the ‘next of kin’.
Contact a GP or community mental health team first before contacting the AMHP Service. There are also voluntary agencies that may be useful sources of support.
The AMHP service will need to contact any relevant agencies including the local NHS mental health trust to progress any referrals for Mental Health Act assessment
Contact hours
The AMHP team’s email is only monitored between the hours of Monday-Thursday 9am - 5pm and Friday 9am - 4pm.
To make a referral for a Mental Health Act Assessment please call 01865 898080 during office hours or 0800 833408 (option 1) out of hours.
Please be aware we cannot take referrals for assessments via email.
For more information, please see the links below:
- Understanding your mental health assessment (pdf format, 1.4Mb)
- Mental Health Act 1983
- Mental Health Act 1983 – Code of Practice
For further support: