Oxfordshire Way strategic vision
We want to support people to live happy, healthy lives here in Oxfordshire
We realise this means something different for each person, but in general, we hope we can achieve this by supporting people to live well and independently within their communities, remaining fit and healthy for as long as possible.
It is something we call the Oxfordshire Way and we can’t do it alone.
By working together with other health and care organisations - including local NHS services - as well as volunteer groups within the community, we are using each other’s strengths to pull in the same direction, united by this one shared vision.
We acknowledge the real strengths in growing community resilience, enabling people to make their own decisions about their care options, and supporting people to live well and independently closer to home.
By focusing on what’s strong rather than what’s wrong and thinking innovatively about what we do, we are building on firm foundations, strengthening our relationships with our Oxfordshire Way partners and fundamentally transforming how care is delivered in Oxfordshire.
This approach allows us to put individuals at the heart of everything we do, developing community-based solutions and creating an environment where people can be supported close to home without the need for more formal care.
By following the Oxfordshire Way, we are:
- building resilience within our communities
- increasing independence and social connections for residents
- reducing demand on formal care services due to proactive and preventative community outreach approach
- providing a better experience for people who are seeking or receiving support
- providing greater satisfaction for people in need of support, our communities and our partners.
Please see our Local Account for 2022-2023 (docx format, 1.4 MB), where we share some of the highlights of our work and examples on how we deliver the Oxfordshire Way.
For residents, our Live Well Oxfordshire guide contains a wealth of information supporting the Oxfordshire Way vision to people to live well and independently within their own communities. A paper version of the Live Well Oxfordshire guide can also be delivered free, directly to your door. They are also available to pick up at most carers’ centres, hospitals, GP surgeries, Age UK facilities and libraries.
Information about additional, council-arranged care support, can be found on our adult social care webpages.