Introduction to daily living aids
Helping you or a loved one to live independently at home
Did you know there are lots of different types of equipment that can help you to live safely at home? Called daily living aids, these are items that can be used in or fitted to your home. They are designed to make those everyday tasks easier and help you live comfortably and safely.
Daily living aids range from small pieces of equipment, such as shower rails and perching stools, through to large-scale changes to your home such as handrails, ramps and stairlifts.
Explore daily living aids
You may know exactly what you need or may need more help with that decision. Find out what you can get straight from us without having an assessment and learn more about our eligibility criteria as well as other options.

How can I get daily living aids?
There are different ways that you can get daily living aids for your home.
You may want to buy your own equipment.
You may be eligible to borrow them from us.
If your health has changed or is getting worse, you may feel you need more support. If so, you can request a needs assessment from our team. While you wait for the assessment, daily living aids can be an option and could help manage all of your needs.

Buy your own daily living aids
You can buy your own equipment from private suppliers. This option means that you can shop around to find the items and prices that suit you. If you need somewhere to start Live Well Oxfordshire has a list of different suppliers in the local area.
Examples of living aids
Living aids are designed to help you to live safely, confidently and longer in your home. This specialist equipment can be used across your home, including your kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. We also provide items that can help you move around the house more easily. Aids for living range from small, portable pieces of equipment to large-scale changes to your home.
Perching stools
Perching stools can be used in different parts of your home, such as the kitchen or bathroom. They are ideal if you find it difficult to stand for long periods of time. You can use a perching stool to help you cook, iron or brush your teeth.
Grab rails
Grab rails can help your balance or take your weight if you need to move up or down steps. You can have a grab rail fitted to different parts of your house, such as your bath, shower or front door.
Toilet frame
If you have trouble getting on or off the toilet, then a toilet frame is ideal. It will take your weight when you lower yourself down and get back up from the toilet.

Request an assessment of your needs
If your health has changed or is getting worse and you don’t know what you need, you can ask to be assessed by our team. They will visit your home to understand your situation and then help you find what will work for you and your carers. This process might take time, so you may want to think about borrowing or buying living aids in the meantime.
Assistive technology
We can also provide technology that can help around the home. Called assistive technology, these devices help you to be more independent, reduce risks and help your carers. Examples of assistive technology include alarm sensors, activity monitoring and devices to help your memory. To get these items from us, you will need to have a needs assessment. Alternatively you can buy your own assistive technology.