School term dates and holidays

A summary of Oxfordshire school holidays and school term dates.

School term 2024 - 2025

The dates below are the school term and holiday dates for 2024-2025. 2 September 2024 has been identified as a countywide ‘available for work’ or INSET day.

Term dates
Term Dates
Autumn Term 3 September - 25 October
October half-term 28 October - 1 November
Autumn Term 4 November - 20 December
Christmas holiday 23 December - 3 January
Spring Term 6 January - 14 February
Spring half-term 17 February - 21 February
Spring Term 24 February - 4 April
Easter Holiday 7 April - 21 April
Summer Term 22 April - 23 May
Late Spring half-term 26 May - 30 May
Summer Term 2 June - 22 July

Term and school holiday dates calendar 2024-2025 (pdf format, 48 KB)

School term 2025 - 2026

The dates below are the school term and holiday dates for 2025-2026. 1 September 2025 has been identified as a countywide ‘available for work’ or INSET day.

Term dates
Term Dates
Autumn Term 2 September - 24 October
October half-term 27 October - 31 October
Autumn Term 3 November - 19 December
Christmas holiday 20 December - 2 January
Spring Term 5 January - 13 February
Spring half-term 16 February - 20 February
Spring Term 23 February - 27 March
Easter Holiday 30 March – 10 April
Summer Term 13 April - 22 May
Late Spring half-term 25 May - 29 May
Summer Term 1 June - 20 July

Term and school holiday dates calendar 2025-2026 (pdf format, 49 KB)

INSET and other holidays

Consult your school's website or contact the school direct to check the return date for your child as schools have different INSET days.

Setting term dates

Oxfordshire school term dates are set by us following consultation with (amongst others) schools, neighbouring authorities and groups representing teaching and other staff. School term and holiday dates are determined in accordance with the legal requirement, which require that there should be 190 pupil days and 5 teacher available for work days (INSET days).