Guide to developer contributions
The requirements on infrastructure and services that will be expected alongside new developments.
When developments take place, they frequently impact the local physical and social infrastructure which we are responsible for. In order to make a development acceptable in planning terms, we will seek measures to decrease any such adverse impact.
The Guide to Developer Contributions (pdf format, 1.4Mb) provides information as to how developments should contribute towards mitigating the impact of developments and includes links to supporting documents published by the County Council and other bodies.
The guide should be read in conjunction with:
- The National Planning Policy Framework NPPF
- Local plans and policies
- Community Infrastructure Levy Documents
- Supplementary Planning Documents produced by Cherwell District Council, Oxford City Council, South Oxfordshire District Council, Vale of White Horse District Council and West Oxfordshire District Council.
Two parts
Part one of the guide concerns contextual and general matters. Part two deals with specific information about the our service areas where appropriate contributions may need to be secured.