Pedestrian and cycle crossings

How to report a problem with a pedestrian crossing, and the different types.

Through our online reporting tool, Fixmystreet, you can report a broken light at a pedestrian crossing and other street problems.

Type of crossing

Zebra crossings

Zebra crossings suit light pedestrian traffic and slow vehicles. Pedestrians might assume they have priority, but drivers may only sometimes stop.

Pelican crossings

Pelican crossings use traffic lights with a green man signal. They cost more but aid those with visual or hearing impairments. Cyclists must dismount to use them.

Toucan crossings

Toucan crossings allow cyclists and pedestrians to cross together. They have extra detectors and signals for cyclists.

Puffin crossings

Puffin crossings are like pelican crossings but have better detectors. The indicator lights are near the push button for easier viewing.

Requesting a new crossing

Suggest a new crossing through your town or parish council or the Highway Enquiries Team.

An Engineer will assess the site. They check pedestrian and traffic flows, speeds, and accident data. They also consider nearby schools, shops, and bus stops.


A central island or refuge is cheaper than a pelican crossing. The road must be at least 8.5m wide.

Central refuges calm traffic but can be challenging for elderly or disabled people.