We are responsible for fixing drainage and flooding issues on highways and roads across Oxfordshire.
Oxfordshire Highways responsibilities
This includes blocked drains and gullies on the roads, however they are not normally responsible for ditches alongside roads. In most cases the responsibility is with the adjacent landowner.
You can report flooding on a highway, including blocked drains and gullies on roads, through our online reporting tool Fixmystreet.
Oxfordshire County Council responsibilities
Oxfordshire County Council is responsible for coordinating the management of flood risk from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses. However this does not mean that they can or will undertake works to fix a flooding issue, but they can investigate to find out who the Riparian Owner is and therefore who is responsible; and advise on potential solutions. The cost of any works to fix these flooding issues will be charged back to the responsible person or organisation.
Contact Oxfordshire County Council to report surface water, groundwater or ordinary watercourse flooding.
Flooding help and advice
Visit the Oxfordshire Flood Toolkit for advice about flooding.