Abandoned vehicles
What to do if you see an abandoned vehicle on the highway.
Information about a whole range of highway issues, including how to report problems.
What to do if you see an abandoned vehicle on the highway.
How to transport an abnormal load and notify the right authorities.
How to report fouling, dead or stray animals on the highway.
How to get permission to put a banner above a road.
Report bridge damage or request approval to carry out work on or near a bridge.
How to request or remove a bus stop or shelter in your area.
How to make a claim for compensation if you suffer a personal injury or damage to your property.
How we decide when and where to put up direction signs on public highways.
How to request a disabled person's parking place (DPPP) on a public road.
We are responsible for fixing drainage and flooding issues on highways and roads across Oxfordshire.
How to find out if land is part of the public highway.
How to apply for changes to the highway record map (an application for variation).
How to report a litter problem or graffiti.
Hazards caused by mud and dirt on the highway.
How to report an obstruction to the road or pavement.
How to report a trip hazard and other defects on the pavement.
How to report a problem with a pedestrian crossing, and the different types.
Report a pothole on a road or pavement.
How to request white lines on the road to protect private access to your home.
How to obtain land that has highway status (request a Stopping Up Order).
How to request street furniture on the public highway.
How we respond to your reports, our regular checks and what we will do about any issues we find.
How we look after roadside vegetation and consider requests for planting.
How to request a salt or grit bin for use in icy weather.
How we keep roads clear of ice and snow in winter.
How grass verges on public highways are maintained.
How to report a faulty or failure of a street light online or by phone.
Help us to maintain Oxfordshire's traffic lights by telling us about a fault.
The consequences of putting unauthorised signs on the highway.
How to report a grass verge that needs cutting, and protect them from damage.
Who to contact if a wall or fence needs to be repaired.
The highways register is a list of streets maintained with public money and their classification.