project icon image of a cyclist, pedestrian and a bus

A4130 Steventon Lights integrated transport scheme

Scheme to support growth in both housing and employment planned in the Science Vale area.

About the improvements

The A4130 Steventon Lights integrated transport scheme aims to provide improved bus journey time savings and reliability, enhanced walking and cycling facilities, and support growth in both housing and employment in the Science Vale area. 

This project was formerly known as Relief to Rowstock Phase One. Following feedback from the public consultation in October 2022, the project name has been amended.

Why are we investing here?

The area will see significant growth in housing and employment in the coming years. Investment is needed now so that the transport network can meet the demands of the future.

The aims of the A4130 Steventon Lights integrated transport scheme are to:

  • facilitate improvement to public transport
  • provide suitable infrastructure to encourage the use of sustainable and active travel modes (walking, wheeling, cycling)
  • improve safety for all road users
  • reduce congestion and capacity issues and improve journey time reliability
  • facilitate planned growth in the area

What you can expect

Delivery of the scheme will involve:

  • widening of the A4130 Abingdon Road between the Steventon lights junction and the Milton Interchange with the provision of an eastbound bus lane.
  • upgrading the Trenchard Avenue junction to increase capacity to facilitate future growth and feature quality active travel infrastructure to support journeys on foot and by cycle.
  • eastbound bus lane between Steventon High Street junction with A4130 and Milton Interchange.
  • Dedicated cycleway and footway facilities for pedestrians and cyclists along A4130 between Steventon High Street junction with A4130 and Milton Interchange.
  • Real time bus information, including green-roof bus shelters and cycle parking to create a transport hub.
  • addition of new traffic lights with crossing points at Trenchard Avenue/ A4130.
  • upgrade of Steventon High Street traffic lights with crossing points.
  • improved highway drainage


The project is being delivered in the following phases.

Steventon lights project timescales
Phase Description Timeline
Phase 1 Vegetation Clearance Spring 2024 (complete)
Phase 2 Utility Diversions Spring/Summer 2024 (underway)
Phase 3 Construction Works  
Phase 3a Trenchard Avenue Late Summer 24 – Winter 25
Phase 3b Steventon High Street Junction Late Summer 24 – Spring 25
Phase 3c A4130 Widening & Cycleway Late Summer 24 – Spring 25

Minimising the impact

We will work hard to minimise disruption as much as possible. Any temporary traffic management measures used will be continually monitored throughout each day of construction so that we can respond quickly to traffic conditions as they happen. 
Construction access to/from the site compound will be provided via Trenchard Avenue.

To enable the scheme to be built safely, it will be necessary to undertake works with several different traffic management arrangements, such as lane closures, temporary traffic signals and overnight road closures. We will ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum throughout the works, and any road closures will be advised in advance along with diversion routes.  Further details of exact dates and phasing will be provided nearer the time by means of advanced signage and letters to residents.

Traffic management arrangements are also available at

How it is being funded

The scheme is financed through City Deal and Housing and Growth Deal funding and Section 106 contributions.

Next steps

A public consultation took place between October and November 2022. The consultation, drawings and FAQs are available on the Let’s Talk Oxfordshire platform; however, the survey is closed to contributions.

We have successfully completed the Phase 1 works, which included utility surveys, ecology and environmental surveys, and clearing of trees, vegetation, and scrub to facilitate the widening works. We also cleansed, cleared, and surveyed all surface water drainage along the route.  

Phase 2 works, including diversions of existing utility services such as telephone, water, and electricity, are now in planning, ready for advanced diversions ahead of the main construction works.

Phase 3, the construction of the main civil works will begin in the late summer.

We are hosting a drop-in information event where members of the public can view maps, drawings, and plans of our construction phasing. The event will also provide an opportunity to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have with our project team.

Date: 25 July 2024
Time: 2pm to 8pm
Location: Steventon House Hotel, Milton Hill, Steventon, OX13 6AB

Contact us

If you would like to know more, you can contact us.

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More information

Is planning consent required

No. As the scheme's design and construction are within the existing highway boundary, planning permission is not required.

What about the archaeology?

An archaeology investigation has been undertaken prior to any work, and no further intrusive investigations are required. However, as with all construction projects, any unexpected finds will be reported to the County Archaeologist for further investigation. 

Will the improvements increase the likelihood of flooding in the area?

As part of the scheme, all surface water drainage will be upgraded to alleviate the current flooding issues.

Will there be any road closures during construction?

To enable the scheme to be built safely, it will be necessary to undertake works with several different traffic management arrangements, such as lane closures, temporary traffic signals and overnight road closures. We will ensure minimal disruption throughout the works, and any road closures and diversion routes will be advised in advance.  Further details of exact dates and phasing will be provided nearer the time by means of advanced signage and letters to residents. 

How much will it cost?

The A4130 Steventon Lights Integrated transport scheme will cost approximately £10million.  

Where is the money coming from to pay for it?

It is being financed through a combination of City Deal, Housing and Growth Deal funding and Section 106 contributions from developers.  

How will construction traffic access and leave the site?

Construction traffic will access the works sites via specific access points, which will be controlled by traffic management operatives. A site compound is located on Trenchard Avenue.

What is the width of the proposed cycleway and footway?

3.0m wide in accordance with LTN1/20 standards.

How many new bus stops will there be and what style? 

There will be two new bus stops on either side of Trenchard Avenue. These will have living green roofs to help provide better native biodiversity within the area.

Will there be temporary bus stops during the construction works? Where will these be located?

Temporary bus stops will be provided as close to existing ones during the construction phase.

Will there be a change to the speed limit on the A4130 between Steventon and the Milton Interchange?

Yes. It is proposed that the speed limits within the scheme be reduced to 40mph. 

Will the road be street-lit?

Yes, the lighting will be LED and directional, eliminating light spill beyond the road surface.

Will there be noise and dust during construction?

Due to the nature of the work, there will be noise and dust during construction. However, we will ensure that water suppression is used to keep dust to a minimum and that noisy work will be undertaken sensitively during daytime hours where possible. There may be times when we need to work overnight. We will inform residents of these times and works and seek to mitigate any noise disturbance where possible. 

What will the emergency services do?

Emergency services will have access at all times.  

What will happen to the construction access upon completion of the works?

Construction access points and site compound areas will be cleaned and cleared and replanted upon completion and any fencing will be reinstated.

Will the contractor be using local subcontractors?

It is Oxfordshire County Council's policy to use local sub-contractors where possible.

Will the contractor employ apprentices?

It is Oxfordshire County Council's policy to ensure that each project employs apprentices where possible.

How is OCC considering the environmental impact of the planned improvements and will any trees or other vegetation be removed? If yes, what sort?

As a responsible council, we have undertaken a full arboricultural investigation and environmental assessment, as well as developed ecological method statements and construction and environmental management plans. This is all to ensure that we minimise and mitigate our impact. 

In preparation for the main construction, we began with early phase works, which included  setting up a site compound off Trenchard Avenue and clearing trees, vegetation, and scrub along the route. A field ecologist was on site at all times during all phases of construction to advise and ensure that all work is undertaken in accordance with the above and current legislation.

What are we doing to mitigate the removal of the tress and vegetation?

Upon completion of the works, a scheme of new planting will be undertaken within the correct planting season. This will include all elements of planting, from semi-mature trees, hedges, wildflowers, and scrub planting to encourage and promote biodiversity and ecology within the affected areas. 

How can I ask a question, request further details, or make a compliment /complaint/comment?

You can email the project team at

Or write to: 
Oxfordshire County Council, 
County Hall,
New Road, 
OX1 1ND. 

You can keep up to date with the A4130 Steventon Lights integrated transport project by signing up to receive regular news and alerts from Oxfordshire County Council's Travel Bulletin

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