Ploughley Road / A41 Junction improvements

The improvements are now complete and will increase the capacity of the junction and accommodate any increases in future traffic demands.

About the project

These improvements are part of the Bicester Garden Town infrastructure programme and are essential to support the planned development and the successful delivery of the garden town. 

The early delivery of critical infrastructures like roads, cycleways, and pedestrian crossings is key to ensuring that we can accommodate the expected increases in population from the new garden town without adversely impacting local residents, who will benefit from improved facilities. The improved junction includes:

  • preventing a left turn into Ploughley Road from the A41 westbound
  • preventing a right turn out of Ploughley Road onto the A41 eastbound
  • a single lane accommodating the A41 eastbound for vehicles going ahead
  • a dedicated right turn lane on the A41 eastbound for vehicles turning into Ploughley Road
  • a pedestrian crossing to the east of the junction
  • increased shared-use footpath/cycleway provisions
  • kerb realignment
  • introduction of a new junction with traffic lights
  • introduction of new toucan crossings (allowing for pedestrian and cycle use)
  • resurfacing / new footpath construction
Timetable of activity


Target date

Feasibility scheme design


Preliminary design


Ground investigation works


Detailed design


Site investigation and vegetation removal




Traffic Signal Installation and Commissioning


How it is being funded

The total project costs are expected to be in the region of £5.4m. The scheme is being financed by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, through the Bicester Garden Town Fund.


If you would like to get in touch, please email