North Oxford corridor improvements
Why we are doing this project
Significant growth is expected across the Cherwell district, with approximately 22,000 new homes planned by 2031.
The improvements offered by the three separate schemes will allow for easier access to Oxford city centre, improve bus journey times, improve pedestrian and cycle connectivity, and support the ongoing housing and employment developments and expected economic growth. The schemes are fully in line with Oxfordshire County Council's priorities to take action to tackle the climate emergency and cut carbon emissions, prioritise the health and well-being of residents and invest in an inclusive, integrated and sustainable transport network.
Further benefits of the schemes include:
- Improving road safety and reducing road traffic accidents.
- Improving street lighting along pedestrian and cycle routes and the main corridor.
- Improving road and footway conditions
- Improved air quality.
How it is being funded
All three schemes are being funded through the government’s Growth Deal funding and Section 106 contributions from developers.
Activity | Date |
Traffic modelling | 2018 |
Stakeholder engagement | 2018 - 2021 |
Statutory consultation (pt1) | Spring 2022 |
Finalise designs | Spring 2022 |
Statutory consultation (pt2) | Summer 2022 |
Construction began | Summer 2022 |
Construction to complete | Summer 2024 |
Several workshops were undertaken with key stakeholders, including local, County, City and District councils, transit operators, cycle user groups and other interested parties, such as the Airport during the options appraisal stages in 2018 and 2019. Preliminary design proposals were then shared with key stakeholders, including County, District and Parish Councillors, during 2021/22.
Statutory consultation was undertaken concerning the proposed traffic order changes on the A44 Loop Farm Roundabout to Cassington Road and A34/A44 Peartree Interchange schemes and approved at a Cabinet Member Decision meeting in May 2022.
A statutory consultation was held between 30 June and 12 August 2022 for the A4260/A4165 Kidlington Roundabout.
Contact us
If you would like to know more about the project, you can contact The North Oxford Corridor.
Find out more about each scheme
Frequently asked questions
What is the North Oxford Corridor improvements?
The North Oxford Corridor Improvements scheme consists of several road improvement projects along the A44; A4260 Frieze Way and the A4165 Oxford Road / Bicester Road, which are referred to as the North Oxford Corridor (NOC) project.
Why is it needed?
Oxfordshire needs a modern, efficient, reliable, affordable, sustainable transport system. The Cherwell district will see significant growth in housing, with approximately 22,000 new homes planned by 2031. Investment is needed now so that the transport network can meet the demands that will be placed upon it in the future.
The three separate projects, which will allow for easy access into Oxford city centre, are being implemented to support the ongoing housing and employment developments and expected economic growth by:
Improving bus journey times and reliability
Improving pedestrian and cycle connectivity for work and leisure trips into the city
Further benefits of the schemes include:
- Creating links to Park & Ride sites.
- Improving road safety and reducing road traffic accidents.
- Improving street lights along pedestrian and cycle routes and the main corridor.
- Improving road and footway conditions
- Improved air quality.
How much will it cost?
The work at the on the North Oxford Corridor will cost approximately £28m
Where is the money coming from to pay for it?
All three schemes are being funded through the government’s Growth Deal funding and Section 106 contributions from developers.
What is the impact on traffic going to be?
The work aims ultimately to make travelling in and out of Oxford along the A44 better.
We will be working hard to minimise disruption as much as possible. Any temporary traffic management measures employed will be continually monitored throughout each day of construction so that we can respond quickly to traffic conditions as they happen.
The advice is always to plan your journey to avoid any potential delays. Public transport, including park and rides, is likely a better option for many people and is recommended.
Will there be any impact on parking?
No on–street parking will be affected by these works.
Will there be noise?
Noise will be limited as much as possible but there will be periods when noise is unavoidable. When we work at night, noise will be limited to before 11pm, per our Section 61 agreement with Oxford City Council. Communication will be undertaken before any such work is undertaken.
Will there be road/lane closures?
Yes, there will be lane closures. These will be advertised on-site before happening and will be limited as far as possible. We will also outline all road closures on the project webpage.
Will there be diversions?
Where diversions are necessary, they will be sign-posted accordingly.
Will I still be able to get to work/to my house?
Access for vehicular driveways may be affected, but the contractor will discuss this with affected residents and, where possible, make arrangements to ensure that individual access is retained during the works where possible.
What will the emergency services do?
All emergency services will be informed of road closures and roadworks so that they can choose the most appropriate route. Emergency services can pass through road closures and are well-practised in finding the best ways to get to their destination in all circumstances. Assistance from the project team will also be provided.
How will public transport be affected?
We have been in regular contact with the bus companies before the project started and will continue to do so throughout the scheme. Public transport will continue to run but may be affected by potential delays due to the roadworks. We would advise allowing a little longer for your journey.
How will businesses be affected?
There will be times throughout the project when we work directly outside businesses. We will work with our contractor to ensure there are no access restrictions to the business and they will be able to run as normal including the receiving and making of deliveries.
How do I keep up to date with what is going on?
You can sign up to receive regular news and alerts from Oxfordshire County Council’s Travel Bulletin.
This web page will also be regularly updated during the project's construction phase.
How can I ask a question or make a complaint?
You can email the project team through the North Oxford Corridor