
Didcot Central Corridor

A scheme that aims to combine transport and movement improvements with urban design and placemaking aspirations within central Didcot.

About the improvements

The Didcot Central Corridor project aims to make the town a better place for residents and visitors by improving travel and public space along three important routes - the ‘Gateway Spine’, ‘Cultural Spine and Foxhall Road’, and the town centre.

overhead view of the proposed plan

The project is part of the Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan which will help to improve the lives of residents by focussing on helping support shops, encouraging healthy lifestyles and helping to tackle climate change

The scheme will offer the following benefits: These include

  • Make routes to and from Didcot attractive places in their own right
  • Make it easier and more enjoyable to walk, wheel and cycle around the town
  • Encourage people to use public transport
  • Improve the safety of roads for all users, particularly at Jubilee Way Roundabout and its approaches 
  • Support housing and employment growth.

What you can expect

Measures being investigated include, but are not limited to, public open space improvements and improved infrastructure for people who walk, cycle or use public transport.

The project will focus on five geographical areas within the three routes:

  1. A4130 and B4493 – Science Bridge to Didcot Station
  2. Didcot Road, Wantage Road and Foxhall Roundabout
  3. Broadway
  4. Town and station connections
  5. Cow Lane, Jubilee Way Roundabout and Hadden Hill
map of geographical are of plan

Why we are investing here?

Didcot was awarded Garden Town status in 2015 by the national government. Significant growth expected in Didcot will mean that without intervention, the local road network will experience considerable traffic congestion.

The Didcot Garden Town Development Plan (2017) sets out a comprehensive set of ideas and proposals to improve the way Didcot functions as a growing town within Science Vale.  It proposes an improved public transport network, focus on the promotion of active travel, high quality public spaces and improved connectivity.

Date Activity
Summer 2022 Key Stakeholder Engagement
Autumn 2022 Placemaking strategy development
Autumn/Winter 2022 Options Appraisal process
Summer 2023 Public and Stakeholder Consultation
Spring/Summer 2024 Review and next steps

The timing of the delivery of schemes that come out of the placemaking strategy and the optioneering process will depend on what the preferred solution is, funding availability and whether planning permission and land are required.

Minimising the impact

As a solution is yet to be identified, the traffic management arrangements during construction are yet to be confirmed.  We will coordinate the work to minimise the impact on the network as far as possible. Further details of this will be available closer to construction.

How it is being funded

The placemaking and optioneering elements of the project are being funded through Housing and Growth Deal funding as well as a contribution from Didcot Garden Town.

Optional Appraisal Report and next steps

The placemaking strategy has now been developed and potential solutions identified.

A public consultation on ideas that make up the solutions ran between  June and  July 2023. It  showcased the design ideas across the five geographical areas which were identified. 

You can still view the proposals, drawings and FAQs on our Let’s Talk Oxfordshire  platform; however, the survey is closed to contributions. You can also find a report detailing the survey results on the Let’s Talk platform.

Following the feedback of the survey, further conversations with stakeholders and traffic testing and assessment, an options appraisal report with a preferred route, will be compiled detailing the options we will consider in the next stage of work. We anticipate this to be ready, and subsequently presented to cabinet in the second half of 2024. 

Contact us

If you would like to know more about the project, you can contact us by email: DCCproject@oxfordshire.gov.uk