access to Banbury station with person walking and another cycling and a bus and car

Access to Banbury train station (Tramway Road improvements)

Improve the road layout, facilities and connectivity between southern Banbury and Banbury town centre.

Scheme drawing showing the new access route from the Swan Close Road and Hightown Road junction, through Tramway Road via a new compact roundabout.

About the project

We are proposing to improve access to the railway station for pedestrians, cyclists, buses, and taxis by linking the existing Tramway Road with Station Approach Road and the Banbury railway station forecourt to create an alternative route. This project should also improve bus journey reliability into Banbury town centre.

The work involves:

  • Creating a new and improved access route to Banbury railway station and the station forecourt carpark for pedestrians, cyclists, and those using public transport. 
  • Adding a dedicated passenger drop-off/collection layby accessed from Tramway Road to the south of the proposed roundabout.
  • Creating a new access route to the railway station west car park off Station Approach Road South.

Why we are investing here

We want to encourage the use of public transport and improve pedestrian and cycling routes. The new route should improve safety for Banbury railway station users, as pedestrians and cyclists currently do not have an adequate pedestrian and cycle lane from Tramway Road to the station forecourt.

By improving access to the railway station and the town centre, especially from the south of the town and for those using public transport and active travel options, the proposals should reduce traffic and waiting times on Cherwell Street and at the A4260/Bridge Street junction.

Cherwell Street is a key part of the main north-south route through Banbury. Increased growth in the town will add significant pressure to this route and there is a need to balance the growing travel needs of vehicle drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and bus passengers.

What you can expect

The proposals aim to provide: 

  • an integrated bus service that stops outside the station
  • improved bus access from other parts of south Banbury
  • an increase in the appeal of travelling to the railway station by non-car modes of travel
  • a reduction in harmful environmental and air quality impacts
  • relief to A4260/Bridge Street junction.

Consultation and engagement

In January 2020 we held a public consultation on preliminary proposals, which included a public exhibition and an online survey. All responses were analysed to understand feedback about the scheme and to inform our updated plans. Read the 2020 consultation report (pdf format, 192 KB).

We also held a public consultation on our updated plans from 16 November to 14 December 2021. We reviewed all comments from this consultation and used them to develop the design further. Read the 2021 consultation report (pdf format, 3.8 MB)

We will continue to review feedback from residents, business owners, cycling groups, Network Rail, Chiltern Railways, town and district councils and the Stagecoach bus company as we finish detailed design.

Timetable of activity
Activity Target date
Public consultation on initial proposals January 2020
Review and update plans  Summer 2020
Further consultation 16 November - 14 December 2021
Design update December 2021
Planning submission Winter 2021 
Preliminary design January - May 2022 
Trial holes Spring 2023
Detailed design Ongoing
Construction Autumn 2024

The timetable is subject to all statutory processes being completed.


Funding is coming from the Housing and Growth Deal and existing developer contributions.